The Crazies Special Screening Coverage

The Crazies Special Screening Coverage
"Sometimes, we all go a little mad..."
Updated: 02-25-2010

Staci Layne Wilson reporting


Most Hollywood premieres feature a red carpet, velvet ropes, and lots of fawning. But last night the press was subjected to barking orders as we arrived on scene, interrogation, a temporary quarantine, a blind bus ride to nowhere, and invasive examinations to make sure we weren't "infected" -- it was all apropos for the special screening of The Crazies, a ramped-up 2010 remake of a low budget George Romero flick about a small town plagued by a strange and mysterious virus which turns its inhabitants into crazed killers.

After the film was shown (click here for my review of the film), we were herded in the dark and rain into... a big party with hot chocolate and dessert! It's a tough job, but someone's gotta do it.


As we entered the soundstage-turned-party palace, this is the first thing we saw: A man hanging from a rope. And, as it turned out, a harness. Guests were allowed to try it for themselves, along with green-screen shenanigans and the chance to get "infected" via makeup by effects wizards at Almost Human.


In order to gain entrance, we had to be "tagged"...


...but at least we weren't slabbed, like this guy (who presumably gave the movie a bad review)





The leads from the film, Timothy Olyphant and Radha Mitchell, were on hand to meet and greet the press -- here they are "before" and "after"





That's it, folks! The Crazies opens nationwide on Friday, February 26 2010.

= = =

Visit THE CRAZIES official website here for more pictures, videos clips, and special downloads

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