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Old 10-17-2003, 01:55 PM
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Another short

By Paul Benvin

Janet McAllen loved her new car. The salesman insisted on educating her on all the specifics, like horsepower and gas mileage, but as long as it drove it made absolutely no difference to her. She had been saving her money for a little over six months, and now she had finally done it. She had enough to buy it flat out-almost $15,000-and after insurance and plates, even had enough left over for a little self-indulgent shopping. She deserved to spoil herself, after what she had to go through to get this thing. Sloppy, drunk perverts fondling her all night long. The stink of cheap cologne and stale cigarettes on her clothes long after her shift was over. She never wanted to be a stripper, but her friend Melissa talked her into it.

“Come on, Janet. You can make a lot of money in just one night. My boss is looking for a girl to fill an open spot, and if you hate it then you don’t do it anymore, right?”

She was relentless.

“Come on,” Melissa pleaded. “With a body like that you could pull in at least $1000 in a few hours!”

She had a point. Janet was a very attractive girl. Her hair was shoulder length and the color of autumn leaves, with piercing blue eyes and full red lips. She was only 5’3”, but her body was proportioned perfectly to her height. Without a doubt she drove the boys crazy, but she was a good girl. She never got into trouble, and to even think of doing something as crazy as taking her clothes off in front of a room full of strange men was enough to make her stomach turn. But she wanted that car more than anything in the world, and after thinking about it she decided to give it a whirl. And so she did, shaking and undulating her body for all the horrible old men that packed the bar every night. Soon, one night turned into two, and two weeks turned into six months. The money was just too good to pass up, especially because this seemed like the easiest way to get her prized automobile. Besides, if any of these twisted fucks tried anything funny, she always had the gun her father gave her tucked securely away in her purse. She knew how to handle it, and that was all the comfort she needed.

Six months of degradation and humility is what it amounted to. She had to listen to the vile shouts and put up with the greasy hands all over her body, but to her it was worth it. It was over, and as she drove her brand new Mustang down Old Country Road 23, she began to smile. The sun was beginning to set just below the trees, and this was shaping up to be a beautiful night.

“What is this guy doing,” Janet muttered to herself. The driver in front of her had been riding his brake for the last mile, and now they were in a no passing zone. Janet was becoming impatient, and now slowly eased to the left to check for oncoming traffic. All clear. What harm would it cause?

“What the hell,” she said out loud as she gunned the engine and moved into position to make her pass. Just as she did a shape appeared in the glare of her headlights. She tried to avoid it, whatever it was, but her attempt was pointless. She slammed into this thing at nearly 70 mph, and the full force of her front end sent it shooting off into the darkness. Janet slammed her brakes to the floor, coming to a screeching stop one hundred feet from the point of impact. As she sat there, peering into the rear view mirror, she suddenly realized what it was that she hit. She had hit a person.

“Oh my God,” she whispered to herself. It was completely dark now, the only light available beaming down from the moon high above. Her mind was racing. What should she do? Should she drive into town and get help, or should she check to see if indeed that was a human being she just plowed into? If it was, he or she could still be alive. If she left, the person could lay there suffering until death relieved the pain, and she couldn’t have that on her conscience. She had to go check. If it was an animal, at least she could take comfort in the fact that she wasn’t a murderer. Going to investigate was the only option.

The overhead light came on when she opened her door, and for the first time she noticed she was sweating. A bat took off somewhere in the distance, and the sudden noise made her jump. She got out and walked around to the front of the car, buttoning her jacket as she went. The temperature must have dropped twenty degrees, she thought to herself. She stepped back to look at the damage. The entire front end was smashed in and the windshield was cracked. That could be repaired, though. Right now her concerns were with the something that now lay in a heap just off to her right.

“Hello,” she said as she walked over to it. “Are you okay?”

No answer.

She slowly made her way over, the gravel crunching beneath her feet with every step. As she got closer she could plainly see that this was a body. She bent down and rolled it over, and what she saw made her ill. What had been a man was now a mangled pile of blood and guts. His head had exploded on impact, bursting open like a watermelon dropped from the top of a building. Chunks of his skull were gone, exposing the brain. A large amount of blood had pooled around what used to be his head and was now mixing with the dirt. Janet checked for a pulse, but it was useless. This man had died a very horrible death, and it was all her fault.

Janet knelt down beside the corpse and began to sob. How could this happen to her, and why was this man walking around on this dark stretch of highway anyway? The nearest town was almost twenty miles away, and no one lived this far out. Where did he come from? Fool, she thought to herself. Now what was she going to do? Her life would be ruined. The authorities would ask questions, and her father would be notified. Then her father would ask questions. Where did the car come from? How did you get the money to pay for it? She couldn’t bear to see the look on her father’s face when she told him she took her clothes off for the money. To him that was tantamount to prostitution, and on more than one occasion he made it perfectly clear that if his daughter ever resorted to whoring herself out for cash he would promptly disown her. Janet was delirious now, going over the last few hours in her mind. Everything seemed to be in slow motion. She closed her eyes and saw the men at the bar, laughing and groping her naked body, stuffing dollar bills into her underwear. She saw Melissa-that slut Melissa-calmly telling her that it was alright, that she would make some quick money and that would be the end of it. And she saw the disappointed look on her father’s face as she told him the news. She looked down one more time at the crumbled, bloody mess before her.

“I hope you suffered,” she hissed. “I hope it hurt. I hope you felt every GOD DAMNED MINUTE OF IT!”

The dead man just lay there. He offered no sympathy for Janet or the situation she currently found herself in. To him, nothing mattered anymore.

“I hate you,” she said as she reached inside her purse, drawing the gun. She began to rock herself back and forth, weeping uncontrollably as she pulled the hammer back. She put the gun in her mouth, tears streaming from her eyes, and pulled the trigger. The back of her head exploded in a torrent of blood and particles, and Janet McAllen fell backwards, dead.

Two days later hikers found her stiff body-alone. No sign of the man she hit remained, not even a shred of clothing. Her car, parked on the side of the road with the dealer sticker still in the window, was towed away without a scratch on it.
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Old 10-17-2003, 02:22 PM
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Pretty fucked up ending my friend. Good stuff.
"You think that when you die you go to heaven. You come to US!."
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Old 10-17-2003, 02:26 PM
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Hot damn... Good stuff... I should try my hand at horror writing more often...

I had some pretty horrific war stories I wrote up in HS and a couple really esoteric stories I'm wroking on right now... but horror is a little harder than that... damn... Keep it up!
"People hear that I am a horror writer and they think that I must be a monster, but actually I have the heart of a small child - I keep it in a jar on my desk."
Robert Bloch
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Old 10-17-2003, 03:33 PM
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Thanks guys. You make writing this stuff worth it. I'm eager to read other's contributions as well.
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Old 10-17-2003, 03:34 PM
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You keep writing 'em, I'll keep reading 'em man. I'm looking forward to other's work as well.
"You think that when you die you go to heaven. You come to US!."
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Old 11-06-2003, 09:38 AM
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What an excellent story, Iloved it. Good story and twist at the end, would make a great short film i think. Keep up the good work.
I was not born to live a mans life, but to be the stuff of future memory.

3 can keep a secret if 2 are dead.

I've never been nice my whole life....but, I'll do my best to be sweet.

I keep my standards low, so I'm never disappointed.

The next words out of your mouth better be some Mark Twain shit, cos' I am going to be chiseling it on your tombstone.

Trample the weak, Hurdle the dead.

Forgive your enemies......after they are slain.

The God I believe in aint short of cash mister.
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Old 11-06-2003, 11:42 AM
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Great story:) Your a very good writer:)
"I don't care if you were covered in peanut butter and had a 15 hooker gang-bang"-Adam(SAW)
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Old 11-07-2003, 09:17 PM
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Loved it! great job had my attention from the beginning right to the end. Excellent piece of litature!!:D
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Old 11-08-2003, 01:16 PM
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oh man. AWESOME WORK. I cringed inside...which is exactly what i look for when i read these kinds of stories. i can't wait to hear more of your work. pm me sometime :)
"Sometimes, one suffers so deeply, that inventing happiness is a neccessity.."--Sadistakid.

*Samantha Jo Sholtz*
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