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Old 11-19-2007, 05:19 AM
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Massacre Man proceeds outside, he starts walking through the parking lot checking the few cars there to see if they contain keys, he goes back inside, bat in hand and hits any infected he can while he makes his way back to Ferretchucker to get his car keys from him, he starts going through the pockets he gets the keys and turns back, he stops when he hears a voice.

Voice: Is it safe?

Massacre Man: Hello?

Voice: Can I come out?

Massacre Man: I guess... if ya want to.

Voice: Are they still here?

Massacre Man: Yeah.

Voice: I don't wanna come out.

Massacre Man: Alright.

Voice: Where are you going?

Massacre Man: Away.

Voice: You're not gonna help me?

Massacre Man: You said you didn't want to come out, I figured you liked it where you were.

Voice: No, I don't wanna be killed.

Massacre Man: Well... you can run or starve.

Voice: Can I come with you?

Massacre Man: No...

Voice: Why not?

Massacre Man: Because I'm running straight into more of them.

The infected start walking down the aisle toward him again.

Massacre Man (Worried): Shit, come on, I'll take you with me.

Voice: Why do you sound so scared?

Massacre Man: They're coming and I think they know where you are, come the fuck on.

Voice: No, I don't want to be eaten.

Massacre Man: What the fuck... they don't eat you. Well, sorry, I'm really short on time right now. I tried to help. Bye.

Massacre Man runs around the aisle and back outside whree he is tackled by an infected person, he uses the bat in his hand and starts to beat it over the head, 3 police cars arrive, 2 cops exit each car and aim their guns at Massacre Man.

Cop: Drop your weapon!

Massacre Man drops the bat.

Cop: All of them.

Massacre Man puts everything down, the cops cuff him and put him in the back of one the cars and all of his weapons in the trunk.
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Old 11-19-2007, 03:21 PM
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Still inside of the K-Mart, there is a vent underneath of a water fountain between the two bathrooms, MissMacabre emerges from the vent, she looks around and spots the infected lingering around, they have their backs turned walking away since they believe that there's nobody left inside, she walks to the opposite end of the store, she is near a small restaurant within the store, she tries opening the door she doesn't notice it's the emergency exit door, the alarm goes off, she runs outside and ends up back in the parking lot, she starts running toward her car, she makes it inside and starts her car, she makes it onto the toad before one of the two remaining creatures emerges from her backseat and tries sticking her, she attempts to drive and fight it off at the same time, the result can't be seen at the moment, only the car can be seen smashing into Gorephobia's pickup truck and then flipping out into the open, Gorephobia's car is also overturned, he climbs out with his gun in hand and limps over to the car, he is covered in scratches.

Gorephobia: Ya wrecked my g'damn truck!

Gorephobia shoots into the car, he peaks into the hole he had just made, MissMacabre is dead, the creature is hanging from her by it's tail which is stuck in her throat.

Gorephobia: G'damn, what the hell is that?

The creature pulls itself up and latches onto Gorephobia's face, part of it's tail remained inside of MissMacabre, Gorephobia backs into the road and is flattened with the creature by the police car returning in response to the emergency alarm being activated.
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Old 11-21-2007, 12:59 PM
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At the police station, Massacre Man is sitting inside of one of the holding cells at the station, the bag is still on his belt loop, his hands are free and he is leaning on the bars, all of the cops but one are gone. Freak walks inside and starts talking to one of the cops, what they're saying can't be heard, but Massacre Man coughs to get Freak's attention. Freak looks over at him, his eyes widen, he then looks back down and continues his conversation with the cop, Massacre Man sits down, Freak and the cop get closer to the cell, Freak can be heard.

Freak: Ok, thank you, sir.

Freak walks outside and approaches a couple kids he spots across the street.

Freak: Hey, wanna do something cool?

Cut back to inside of the police station, the cop is sitting at the desk which has the keys to the cells on it reading a magazine, a beer can is chucked through the glass door, the cop gets up and runs outside, he starts chasing the kids down the street, while he's distracted Freak sneaks in and grabs the keys, he unlocks the cell, he and Massacre Man are about to leave but the cop has already come back.

Cop: What exactly are you doing?

Massacre Man: God damn it...

Cop: Both of you get in the cell.

Freak: That's not really a good idea.

Cop: Oh?

The cop puts his hand on his gun.

Cop: Why's that?

Freak: Because of those things.

Freak points behind the cop, a group of the infected people are standing outside further softening the already-broken door they burst through, the cop aims his guns at them, Massacre Man grabs the cops shoulders and tosses him into the cell, slamming the door and tossing him the keys.

Massacre Man: Wait until they're gone to come out.

Massacre Man and Freak walk out of the side door, the cop cowers against the wall watching the infected reach through the bars at him. Massacre Man and Freak are standing at the cop car.

Massacre Man: What were you talking to him about?

Freak: Telling him I didn't know what happened to you.

Massacre Man: Where's Dudeman?

Freak: The hospital.

Massacre Man: I told you...

Freak interupts.

Freak: The one in Prince Frederick, it's fine there.

Massacre Man: Good... Pop the trunk.

Freak walks to the driver's seat door and tries to open it, it's locked.

Freak: It's locked.

Massacre Man: Break in.

Freak smashes the window and pops the trunk, all of the weapons are in there.

Massacre Man: Think God they left this car.

Massacre Man suits up again but places the bat in his axe holster and holds his axe, he walks inside and starts swinging away at the infected, after he gets the last one he looks at the cop.

Massacre Man: It's safe now.

The cop pulls out his gun to tell Massacre Man to stay put but he's already out the door by the time he gets the gun out. Massacre Man and Freak get in Dudeman's car and move on to the hospital.
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Old 11-22-2007, 05:56 AM
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In the parking lot of the hospital, Massacre Man gets out and leans back in the window.

Massacre Man: Wait around the corner in the alley.

Freak: Why can't I just wait here?

Massacre Man: Because I just locked a cop in a cell and gave him a key.

Freak: At the mercy of a bunch of cannibals.

Massacre Man: They aren't cannibals.

Freak: They aren't?

Massacre Man: No, I haven't seen them harm a soul yet, they just hold them down and wait for those little fuckers to come... Wait in the alley.

Freak: But I want to come inside.

Massacre Man: And I want a fucking friend still after tonight.

Freak: Dudeman.

Massacre Man: All of the blood he lost from the glass and all of the alcohol he drank? Yeah... there's a chance we won't fucking see him again, go in the alley.

Freak: Fine.

Massacre Man starts walking away, he turns.

Massacre Man: Keep this safe too.

Massacre Man takes the bag from his belt loop and puts it on the seat.

Freak: What is it?

Massacre Man runs inside before answering Freak's question, Freak drives into the alley, Massacre Man stands by the door watching the nurse that has her back turned talking on the phone, Massacre Man sneaks by her, there is a plate of sugar cookies on the table, when Massacre Man walks off-screen having snuck past the nurse he turns around and comes back, grabbing 2 cookies from the plate and then proceeding on his way, he gets in the elevator, one cookie in his hand, the other hanging from his mouth, a man gets in next to him and looks him up and down noticing all of the cuts, scars, and weapons. He stands awkwardly close to the opposite wall, the elevator starts going up after the man slowly reaches in front of Massacre Man to push a button. Massacre Man finsihes the first cookie by the time he speaks.

Massacre Man: Happy Halloween.

Man in elevator: Oh, Happy Halloween, I thought that wasn't a costume for a minute.

The man moves further from the wall and stands normal.

Massacre Man: It's not a costume.

The man moves toward the wall again.

Massacre Man: Hey, I'm not used to being in here that often and everything, do you know where I might find the pregnant people having the babies?

Man in elevator: Um... that's on the second floor.

Massacre Man: Really? You think it would be on the first floor in case they need to get their quick or the elevators were out of order or something.

The man begins sweating profusely. stuttering.

Man in elevator: Y-Y-Yeah, th-th-that's the w-world for y-ya.

The elevator stops.

Massacre Man: Thanks a lot, buddy.

Massacre Man leans the axe over his shoulder and turns toward the man who cowers back against the corner. Massacre Man holds the second cookie out.

Massacre Man: Here have a cookie.

The man lowers to the point he is sitting in the corner. He grabs the cookie and Massacre Man exits the elevator, the man examines the cookie and shouts in a relieved, yet still scared voice.

Man in elevator: ...Thanks...
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Old 11-22-2007, 07:18 PM
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Inside of the room ABnormal was taken to, the stretcher is folded and leaned against the wall, the creature is gone and the claw marks have gone by unnoticed, Disease and Despare are staring at ABnormal, still too sedated to know what's going on. A doctor, Neverending enters.

Neverending: Alright, so which of you is having the baby?

Disease and Despare stare at him blankly.

Neverending (laughing): Doctor joke.

Despare nods, Disease rolls his eyes. Neverending sits in a chair in front of ABnormal.

Neverending: So uh... have you folks ever witnessed the miracle of birth?

Disease: Fuck no.

Despare: You've never seen a baby get delivered?

Disease: Apart from my own birth, no.

Despare: But you're a paramedic.

Disease: I don't know nothin' 'bout birthin' no babies.

Neverending: Well, looks like we got something coming.

Despare and Disease watch, a squishing sound can be heard, Disease's face turns pale.

Disease: I'm gonna go throw up now.

Disease turns around and walks out of the room, leaving the door open.

Despare: Don't mind him.

Neverending: Oh, it's fine. I was once disgusted by this sort of thing, then I went to 'Nam.

Despare: What?

Neverending: Nothing, another doctor joke.

Despare: That didn't even make sense though.

Neverending: You don't get it because you're just a paramedic.

Despare (Frustrated): Do you just say that when nobody laughs at your jokes?

Neverending: No... Oh look here's the baby!

Despare: I don't see anything.

Neverending: Shut up, you aren't a doctor.

Despare: Alright.

Cut to Massacre Man walking down the hallway, he polks his head into a few rooms until he comes to the correct one, Neverending is holding the egg with a puzzled look, Despare is standing off to the side with the same look, Massacre Man walks in, grabs Despare by the arm and walks into the closet of the room, he sits silent waiting.

Despare: What are you doing?

Massacre Man: Any fucking second that eggs gonna burst with little fuckers that aren't too fucking friendly.

Despare (Whispering): What if they find us?

Massacre Man: I'm not worried about that.

Despare (whispering): Keep your voice down, we're supposed to hide.

Massacre Man (Whispering): I don't care if they know we're here...

Massacre Man switches back to his normal voice.

Massacre Man: Fuck, now you got me whispering... just wait a few minutes.

The sound of the egg hatching and Hell breaking loose can be heard outside.
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Old 11-23-2007, 04:13 PM
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An operating room, there is somebody sedated on the table with a large incision on his chest, a doctor is washing his hands, he walks over to the man on the table, he then flatlines, the surgeon looks at the heart monitor then back at the man, a creature is poking it's head out from the wound, it leaps at the surgeon poking him. Cut to a young father watching the baby room from the other end of the glass. Three of the creature scurry in and begin poking the babies. Thinking they have the same abilities as adults, the babies attempt standing but fall to the floor cracking their soft skulls, the father watching from outside runs in, he is nicked on the back of the ankle by one of the creatures hiding beneath a table. Cut to Massacre Man exiting the room with Despare, there are no creatures inside, Despare closes the door to the room. Massacre Man stands over ABnormal.

Massacre Man: Hey...

ABnormal doesn't respond.

Despare: She's extremely sedated.

Massacre Man: Oh, alright.

Despare: But it doesn't look like she's breathing.

Despare walks over and grabs her wrist to check her pulse, he looks at Massacre Man.

Despare: She's gone.

Massacre Man is speechless.

Despare: You ok?

Massacre Man: Not really.

Despare: Did you know her?

Massacre Man: Yeah.

Despare: Was she your girlfriend?

Massacre Man: I'm uh... not really sure on that, we never really worked it out.

Despare: You wanna sit down?

Massacre Man: No.

Massacre Man turns toward the door he tosses the machete to Despare and gets his axe in hand, he opens the door and walks out, after a few seconds Despare follows.

Massacre Man: Don't let them touch you.

Despare: What happens if they touch me?

Massacre Man: You're fucked.

Massacre Man turns around and spots a creature latched onto the ceiling about to drop down on Despare. Massacre Man pushes Despare out of the way as soon as the creature releases it's grip, when it hits the ground it is followed by Massacre Man's foot.

Despare: They can climb walls?

Massacre Man: I didn't even know that.

Massacre Man and Despare proceed to the elevator when they open the door a creature comes out, Massacre Man grabs it's tail and swings it around a few times before throwing it against the wall, causing it to splatter. When Massacre Man and Despare get on the elevator they hear a voice approaching them.

Voice: Wait! Wait!

Despare pokes his head out of the door, Disease is running toward them, he boards the elevator and Massacre Man pushes the button to send the elevator to the first floor.

Disease: What the fuck is going on?

Despare: The apocalypse.

Massacre Man: It's not the fucking apocalypse.

Disease: Who the fuck are you?

Massacre Man: Who the fuck are you?

Despare: Stop saying "Fuck"

Disease: What's wrong with "Fuck"? Fuck... fuck... fuck... fuck...

Massacre Man: Shut the fuck up.

Disease chuckles. The elevator stops, Massacre Man steps off, Despare and Disease are right behind him.

Despare: Where are we going?

Massacre Man: I'm going home I don't give a fuck what you do.

Despare: You aren't gonna help us?

Disease: Some fuckin' hero you are.

Massacre Man: I never said I was a hero.

Disease: You look enough like one with all of those weapons.

Despare: How could you just leave?

Massacre Man: The only reason I came here was ABnormal, but now she's dead, I've had to deal with enough shit this week, so I'm going the fuck home before this gets any worse.

Despare: How could this possibly get worse?

The sounds of a window breaking can be heard upstairs, followed by things being thrown around and large footsteps stomping across the room.

Massacre Man: That's how shit could possibly get worse.

Last edited by _____V_____; 11-27-2009 at 05:24 AM.
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Old 11-24-2007, 07:43 AM
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Bits of the ceiling start dropping. a few groans and shrieks can be heard but are quickly silenced. Despare looks at the ceiling, sympathetic for the people being killed, he turns around and starts walking toward the elevator. Massacre Man runs over and grabs his shoulder

Massacre Man: What are you doing?

Despare: I'm going to help them.

Massacre Man: Wait, I don't want someone else's fucking death on my conscience. I can hardly sleep as it is.

Despare: What about them?

Massacre Man: I don't know them, I don't give a fuck about them.

Despare: You're not going to do anything about it.

Massacre Man: Fine, I'll go with you, but if you die, don't talk to me.

Despare (Confused): O... K...

Despare presses the button on the elevator and waits, Massacre Man looks at Disease.

Massacre Man: Are you coming?

Disease: Ha... fuck no.

Massacre Man: I like you.

Disease: Thanks.

The elevator doors open, Despare gets on, Massacre Man is about to but he turns, walks to Disease and hands him the baseball bat.

Massacre Man: Just in case...

Disease: A bat? Why can't I use the axe?

Massacre Man: Nobody uses my axe.

They are interrupted by a crashing sound coming from the elevator, they both run over to it, it has collapsed, crushing Despare, Massacre Man and Disease arrive just in time to see a flash of the tail of the huge creature as it climbs back up the elevator shaft.

Massacre Man: God damn it...

Massacre Man crouches down and looks at the blood dripping from the elevator, he reaches his hand into the wreckage and pulls the machete out.

Massacre Man: You want this instead?

Disease nods and hands the bat back to Massacre Man and takes the machete from him.

Disease: What was that?

Massacre Man: Not a fucking clue.
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Old 11-24-2007, 04:00 PM
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Massacre Man looks at Disease.

Massacre Man: You aren't going to fight it now, are you?

Disease: Pfft, fuck that.

Massacre Man: Good, let's leave.

Disease: Best idea I've heard all night.

Massacre Man: Let's go.

Massacre Man and Disease walk to the door, all of the infected folks that weren't killed at the K-Mart or police station are approaching the door, Massacre Man locks it.

Massacre Man: Guess we have to use the back door.

Disease: Don't have one?

Massacre Man: What kind of hospital doesn't have a back fucking door?

Disease: This one.

Massacre Man: Is there another exit?

Disease: No.

Massacre Man looks up toward the Heavens and starts talking.

Massacre Man: This is a sign, isn't it?

He looks back at Disease who asks him a question.

Disease: So how did you get into this mess?

Massacre Man: Shit... do you really wanna know?

Disease: Yeah.

Massacre Man: Why?

Disease: Well you seem experienced in doing... whatever the fuck this is.

Massacre Man: Well, a few days ago I was excited for the Tales From The Crypt marathon coming on, but my friend, Rod was getting married, being the kind fucker I am, I took him looking for places ro have his honeymoon, being the horror buff that he is we went to check out an old abandoned campsite with my other friend, Illdojo...

Disease: Illdojo? My brother deals to him.

Massacre Man: Shut up, I'm telling a fucking story.

Disease: Fuck, sorry.

Massacre Man: It's cool. So this slut starts talking to Illdojo and he hangs out with her, but then this monkey bites Rod while me and him were walking through the woods, we tried figuring out something to do with it, but it got out, me and Rod came back and our van broke down, we went into this morgue and a cannibal killed Rod and chained me to the wall.

Disease (Sarcastically): Was his name Jigsaw?

Massacre Man: I told you to shut the fuck up. But he cut my feet off and poked my eye out, I slipped off and killed this big, annoying black dude with a blender, I got tossed in the basement, there was someone in there, it was dark and I didn't know who it was so I tossed a meat cleaver and it got jammed in his back, I sort of crippled him, then these zombies showed up, I hid and eventually escaped, I met up with Illdojo and an ambulance came and got me, the monkey from earlier made the ambluance crash, bit the paramedics, I got into a fight with it and sent it on it's way, then I got on the radio to get helped and then I got killed.

Disease: Then how are you here... and you still have both eyes, and both feet.

Massacre Man: I'm getting to that, now shut the fuck up and let me tell the story. But yeah, I don't remember anything up until I woke up standing outside of a van with that __V__ guy, the reporter from Fox 5. He gave me his news van and I tried driving home, I saw a demolished bar, the fucking monkey was there.

Massacre Man grips his hands tighter on the axe.

Massacre Man: And that's when I used this, I chopped it in half and tried driving home, but then I got caught up again, Illdojo and Rod started talking to me.

Disease: I thought Rod was dead.

Massacre Man: They both were.

Disease: What happened to Illdojo?

Massacre Man: I don't know, but they made me wreck and I had to get help from these girls, they were bitches for the most part, there was one I thought was kind of cool, but then we had an encounter with werewolves and serial killer, guess who the lone survivor was! I took out the werewolves and the killer, I collapsed in the middle of woods, guess what showed up.

Disease: Vampires?

Massacre Man: Nope, the fucking monkey.

Disease (Not believing a word Massacre Man says, just humoring him): Weird...

Massacre Man: The monkey ran off, I tried tracking it down, but ended up fighting werewolf zombies with that reporter again, but sadly, he didn't make it that time. I finally made it back to Shady Side. I go to the wedding to tell the bride.

Disease: Just before she got married you were gonna tell her that her husband was dead?

Massacre Man: I didn't know where she lived and I was just gonna say he left.

Disease: Oh.

Massacre Man: Yeah, she didn't show up either.

Disease: Bummer.

Massacre Man: Yeah, but there I saw ABnormal for the first time in... guess how long.

Disease: How long?

Massacre Man: 9 months! She had a surprise for me. Wanna guess what that was?

Disease: The baby?

Massacre Man: No, the 2 eggs filled with those little fucks that I thought was gonna be my baby! On top of all of that, a skinhead blew another friend of mine's head off, one has a moonshine bottle lodged inside of him and the other one is outside waiting for me, but he's probably dead judging by the fuckers out there. Oh yeah, and I'm having freaky fucking dreams about my dead friends.

Disease: Poor guy, have you thought about seeing a therapist?

Massacre Man: Why would I see a therapist?

Disease: Because you're a fucking nutjob.

Massacre Man: How's that?

Disease: You don't see anything remotely crazy about what you just told me?

Massacre Man: You see this shit and doubt what I'm telling you?

Disease: Yeah. This is like an alien or disease or something, you're talking about being killed and being revived, it sounds like something out of a bad fucking movie.

Massacre Man: Oh well, I don't give a shit if you believe me, I just wanna go home and...

The ceiling collapses, the gigantic creature rises from the chunks of the ceiling, Massacre Man and Disease stare in disbelief, it's the same creature that impregnated ABnormal but has grown in size and looks far more ferocious, it's tail sticks straight up into the air until it bends at the tip pointed toward Disease and Massacre Man.

Last edited by _____V_____; 11-27-2009 at 05:38 AM.
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Old 11-25-2007, 09:08 AM
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The creature moves it's tail forward, the two jump back, Disease quickly leaps forward and sticks the machete into the creature's stomach. The creature then looks at the wound and the machete sticking out of it. The creature roars and swings it tail toward Disease, Massacre Man takes the axe to it, the axe doesn't go through all the way and is lodged into it's tail, Massacre Man keeps a grip on it until the creature swings it's tail about and throws Massacre Man up through the hole in the ceiling, he doesn't come back down. Disease turns and starts running, the creature follows, it doesn't have a problem keeping up, Disease opens a door into a winding stairwell. He gets midway up the stairs when the beast grabs his leg, Disease flips over the side of the steps and hits the ground arm-first with a crack, he starts running back the way he came, his arm looks broken, he hides in one of the rooms, leaving the door open, he hides in front of the door, after a few moments the beast burst through the wall on the other side of the room, as soon as it does Disease makes his way out and back up the stairs without being noticed, while on the second floor he makes his way past the infected trying to hold him down, he gets to the area the creature fell through, several bodies are laying about with their heads splattered on the floor or their chests and stomachs torn open, one of the cabinets starts to move, Neverending bursts out and grabs Disease by his shoulders

Neverending: Please! Please! You have to get me out of here.

Disease: Be quiet.

Neverending: It killed them!

Disease: Shut up.

Neverending: They're all helping him, why are they helping him!?

Disease puts his hand over Neverending's mouth to quiet him but it's too late, the beast storms back up the stairs and into the room it's tail swings and throws Disease across the room, he lands next to Massacre Man's weapon belt, all of the knives are missing. The beast holds Neverending to the floor and steadies it's tail over Neverending's head, Neverending tries pushing the machete into the beast further but it does nothing, the very tip of the machete is now poking through the beast's skin a small bit but it isn't phased. The axe is still jammed inside of it's tail, Disease debates with himself whether he should try getting hold of the axe or not when his thoughts are interrupted at the sound of The Beast's tail entering Neverending's head, it pumps the same thing it pumped into ABnormal into Neverending, it all goes directly to his brain, killing Neverending almost instantly. Disease stands up and starts to run back down the hall, the monster pulls it's tail out of Neverending and starts to chase after Disease, he passes Massacre Man who is standing calm and collected in the middle of the hallway despite the blood coming from his head, he has one hand behind his back.

Disease: Run!

Massacre Man: Wait a fucking minute.

Massacre Man pulls his hand out from behind his back, he is holding all of the remaining baby creatures by their tails, they've all been skinned and gutted, the beast stops running and stares at Massacre Man, he then chucks them across the room. The Beast turns around and runs over to the bodies of his children who have just splattered against the window. Red and Blue lights can be seen flashing from far off in the window.

Massacre Man: Thank God that worked...

Massacre Man swings the rifle around and aims it at The Beast.

Disease: Wait, you can't shoot a gun in a hospital.

Massacre Man looks back at Disease and grins. Cut to Freak sitting outside in Dudeman's car listening to the radio, the rest of the alley can be seen behind him, including the police cars far off in the back, Freak leans over to look and see what is in Massacre Man's bag, glass can be heard breaking, The Beast falls from the window with Massacre Man holding securely onto it's back. Massacre Man tackled it out of the window. The Beast hits the ground face-first. Massacre Man stands up and shoots it in the back of the head a few times. He kicks it to make sure it's dead, it isn't moving. Freak gets out and runs over, Massacre Man pulls the axe from The Beast's tail.

Freak: What is that?

Massacre Man: I think it's their dad.

Freak: Is it dead?

Massacre Man (Relieved): Yeah.

The infected start pouring out into the alley, Massacre Man looks in shock.

Masacre Man: Shit, I forgot about them.

The police start to open fire at the infected.

Massacre Man: If they see us they're probably gonna lock me up again, let's get the fuck out of here.

Freak: Alright.

Freak gets back in the driver's seat, Massacre Man picks his bag up and sits down, Freak and Massacre Man drive away from the hospital safely.

Last edited by _____V_____; 11-27-2009 at 05:24 AM.
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Old 11-25-2007, 07:07 PM
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Cut to Massacre Man sitting in a chair at a different hospital getting the wound on his head stitched, Freak is sitting in the chair across from him, Dudeman is sitting next to Freak, he has bandages wrapped around him in the stomach region.

Dudeman: What happened after I passed out?

Freak and Dudeman both look at Massacre Man.

Massacre Man: Not much...

Dudeman: Oh, I thought there would be some action story or somethin', man.

Massacre Man: Yeah, well, what are you gonna do?

Dudeman: Sucks about Angra though, we're losing too many friends.

The doctor stitching Massacre Man's head looks at them awkwardly. Freak looks at her.

Freak: Your job's to stitch not listen.

Doctor: I'm done.

Massacre Man: Thanks a lot doc, what do I owe ya?

The doctor hands Massacre Man a piece of paper, Massacre Man then pulls out a wad of blood-soaked cash, he looks back at Freak and Dudeman.

Massacre Man: Hey, they aren't gonna need it are they?

Cut to the three in Dudeman's car sitting in front of Massacre Man's house, it is early morning, the sun is just rising, he gets out and leans in the window.

Massacre Man: So, what are you fellas up to after this?

Dudeman: A couple beers at my house, man.

Freak: You gonna come?

Massacre Man: Nope, just gonna take a few days for myself. I got this.

Massacre Man grabs the bag from out of the car, then his axe.

Massacre Man: Peace.

Massacre Man turns and starts walking toward his house, he picks up the flattened corpse of the creature that was crushed by the ambulance and drops it in his trashcan. When he goes inside he is greeted by his dog.

Massacre Man: Hey girl.

He picks up the creature he stepped on and goes back outside to drop it in the trashcan too adn leans his axe against the wall. He goes back in and the dog starts to jump up and down.

Massacre Man: Gotta go potty, girl?

The dog runs to the back door and Massacre Man let's her out. He sets the bag on the table and unties the knot around it, he reaches in then stops, bites his bottom lip and looks off to the side at his axe. He picks it up, let's the dog in and walks back out the door. Cut to Massacre Man at the house he saw in his dreams, he starts to hack away at the house, first he takes down the door then runs upstairs putting holes through the wall and tearing the doors out. he makes his way down stairs and takes out the corners, he walks out and swings a few more times until a side of the house collapses. He starts walking away, cut to Massacre Man at a gas station that had just opened, he's holding his axe, he looks at the axe.

Massacre Man: Sorry, but I don't think I'll need you anymore.

Massacre Man tosses the axe into the dumpster and walks inside of the station, Back at the abandoned house, Massacre Man is pouring gas all over it, he lights it up and walks back to his house. When he comes back in the dog jumps up and down.

Massacre Man: Why do you have to piss so much?

The dog stands at the door waiting to be let out, Massacre Man let's her out and follows her outside. He sees a dead person's hand sticking up from the ground, the dog starts digging at the ground trying to get deeper. Massacre Man walks over to a picnic table in his backyard, there is a shovel on top of it, Massacre Man grabs it and starts digging, he gets the body up and looks at it.

Massacre Man: Rod, you sick bastard. Why would you kill the only woman willing to have sex with you...

Massacre Man picks up Novakru's body.

Massacre Man: You know what? I'm not gonna fucking deal with this one.

Massacre Man drags the body to the fence and pushes it over into Jenna26's yard, Massacre Man walks inside with the dog

Massacre Man: Finally...

Massacre Man pulls out the contents of the bag, the 7 "Tales From The Crypt" DVDs. Massacre Man takes them to his living room, he opens the first season and puts it in the DVD player, he sits on the couch, the dog jumps onto the opposite end of the couch, Massacre Man lays across it using the dog as a pillow. He has a satisfied look on his face as the opening theme from Tales From The Crypt plays from his TV.


Last edited by _____V_____; 11-27-2009 at 05:38 AM.
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