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Old 11-07-2007, 04:40 PM
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Massacre Man gets up and walks over to the bride's maid, ABnormal, he stops in front of her.

Massacre Man: Uh... Hi...

ABnormal: Hi.

Massacre Man: Um... is that?

Massacre Man clears his throat and points at ABnormal's stomach

Massacre Man: Is that mine?

ABnormal: Yeah.

Massacre Man starts to panic, he speaks quick and breathes heavily.

Massacre Man: Well, how... Why didn't you tell me? I mean I'd like to have known.

ABnormal: I didn't know how to get ahold of you.

Massacre Man: I'm at the same fucking bar every night! You're a bride's maid for my best friend's fucking fiance. You had no way to get ahold of me?

ABnormal: You never tried talking to me.

Massacre Man: Because I wasn't pregnant with your fucking child!

ABnormal: Why do you all of a sudden want to talk to me?

Massacre Man: Because you're having my fucking kid!

The crowd of people still in the building start to stare, Dudeman and Freak grab Massacre Man and pull him out of the church. They are in the parking lot, Massacre Man is sitting down by Dudeman's car with his head between his knees.

Dudeman: Are you alright?

Massacre Man: What the fuck do you think?

Freak leans down next to him.

Freak: Come on, let's go to the bar, take your mind off of it.

Massacre Man: Shut the fuck up. I dont' want to get drunk. I want to talk to the mother of my fucking child.

Freak: Want me to go get her?

Massacre Man: Yeah.

Freak: Alright buddy, just hold on one second.

Freak runs back inside, Dudeman sits next to Massacre Man.

Dudeman: Are you sure it's yours?

Massacre Man: She told me it was.

Dudeman: Damn dude, that sucks.

Massacre Man: No shit.

Freak returns with ABnormal, Massacre Man stands up, he looks ABnormal in the eyes.

Massacre Man: Look...

Dudeman and Freak are standing right next to them listening, Massacre Man turns to them.

Massacre Man: Could you guys just... fuck off for a minute?

Freak: Sure, come on.

Freak and Dudeman walk back inside of the church while Massacre Man and ABnormal talk outside. The focus stays on Dudeman and Freak, Angra joins them.

Angra: Do either of you know the deal with Rod?

Dudeman: He left with Illdojo.

Angra: Where?

Dudeman and Freak stand silent.

Angra: What about Novakru, it's weird they both miss their big day.

Dudeman: I have no clue. Are you guys really going to the bar.

Freak: I guess, the reception is probably as good as cancelled now.

Dudeman: Damn it, I was excited about the open bar.

Cut back to Massacre Man with ABnormal, they seem to be done with their conversation, both seem calm.

Massacre Man: Alright, so you'll come to my house tonight?

ABnormal: Yeah, see you tonight.

Massacre Man: So... bye.

They both stand awkward, not positive on how to say goodbye to eachother, they both nod and walk their seperate ways, ABnormal gets in a car and Massacre Man walks back inside of the church, as soon as he enters the door he turns pale and begins looking worried again. He stands by Angra, Freak, and Dudeman, they turn their heads to him.

Massacre Man: Shit...

Last edited by _____V_____; 11-27-2009 at 05:21 AM.
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Old 11-08-2007, 04:53 PM
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A flash to 9 months earlier, Dudeman, Freak, Angra, Illdojo, and Roderick Usher are sitting at a table inside of a bar with mugs filled to the top. Illdojo's and Freak's eyes are a bit red, Roderick hasn't had anything to drink, Dudeman has the most beers in front of him but doesn't seem to even have a buzz, Angra has his face flat on the table. Massacre Man is in the background at the bar talking ABnormal, what they are saying can't be heard. The folks at the table are having a conversation.

Roderick Usher: Anyway... The movie's called "Hatchet", it sounds awesome. it comes out in September.

Illdojo: Shut up. We came her to get drunk, why aren't you drinking.

Roderick Usher: Can't, big day tomorrow.

Illdojo: Why's that?

Roderick Usher: I'm proposing to Novakru.

Freak: Bullshit!

Illdojo: Why? You've known her for like a month.

Roderick Usher: I don't know. It just feels...

Illdojo and Freak look over at Massacre Man.

Freak: Shut up for a minute...

Illdojo: How long do you think until she slaps him?

Freak: Soon...

Massacre Man and ABnormal start to walk out of the bar, neither of them can stand on their own, they are leaning against eachother for support, Roderick Usher, Illdojo and Freak get up and run over to them, Dudeman grabs Freak's beer and finishes it. Freak stands in front of the door, keeping the two from leaving.

Illdojo: Give me your keys.

Massacre Man (slurred and hard to make out): Why should I give you my fucking keys, it's my fucking van...

Illdojo: Because you're drunk.

Massacre Man: No, fuck you. You're drunk.

Roderick Usher reaches into Massacre Man's pocket and takes the keys out, Massacre Man doesn't notice.

Roderick Usher: Alright, fine. Let them go.

Roderick winks at Illdojo and holds up the keys.

Illdojo: Alright, there's no persuading you. Go ahead.

Illdojo steps out of their way. Massacre Man and ABnormal walk out of the door.

Freak: Shouldn't we have kept them inside?

Illdojo: Don't worry about it. As soon as he realizes his keys are gone they'll come back inside.

Freak: Alright...

Freak and Illdojo walk back to the table, every mug is empty and is now in front of Dudeman.
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Old 11-09-2007, 03:15 PM
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Back to the present, it is night time, kids are trick-or-treating, the neighborhood is well-decorated and everyone seems to be in the Halloween spirit, except for Massacre Man who is sitting on his couch, waiting for ABnormal to arrive, he is so nervous he is shaking and staring at the TV that isn't turned on. There's a knock at the door. Massacre Man stands up.

Massacre Man: Alright... here it goes...

Massacre Man opens the door, ABnormal is standing there.

Massacre Man: Come in, come in. Sit down.

ABnormal: Thanks.

ABnormal walks in and sits down, Massacre Man stares blankly at her stomach.

ABnormal: Are you ok?

Massacre Man snaps back to attention.

Massacre Man: Yeah um... you want something to drink?

ABnormal: No I'm...

A trick-or-treater knocks at the door.

Massacre Man: One second.

Massacre Man turns around and picks up the bowl of candy from the table and opens the door.

Kid: Trick or treat!

The kid is dressed as a werewolf.

Massacre Man: That's not funny...

Massacre Man drops a piece of candy in his bag and closes the door.

Massacre Man: Where were we?

ABnormal: Nowhere.

Massacre Man: Right... so uh, what have you been doing all this time? How have you been making a living.

ABnormal: I stay with my parents. I don't have a job, do you?

Massacre Man (Confidently): Yes, I do.

ABnormal: Doing what?

Massacre Man (Disappointed): Cashier at K-Mart.

ABnormal giggles.

Massacre Man: Fuck you, at least I have a... wait, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to yell at you. I didn't mean to.

ABnormal: It's alright.

Massacre Man: But what I wanted to ask you, do you...

Another trick-or-treater knocks at the door, this kid is a zombie, Massacre Man gives him a piece of candy and turns around.

Massacre Man: But did you...

Another trick-or-treater knocks.

Massacre Man: For fuck's sake!

Massacre Man swings the door open and throws the bowl of candy out into his yard. He closes the door.

Massacre Man: Did you want to stay here?

ABnormal: I don't know.

Massacre Man: I mean, the house is all payed off, my friend's died and I don't have anyone else staying here... I just said my friends died, didn't I?

ABnormal: Yeah...

Massacre Man: Shit... I uh... didn't mean it. They just moved. Other shit going through my mind ya know... I'm having a kid...

ABnormal's eyes widen.

Massacre Man: I didn't mean died, they just moved, stop looking at me like that.

ABnormal: My water broke.

Massacre Man: What!?

ABnormal: The baby's coming...

Massacre Man: Shit!

Massacre Man picks up his phone and tries to call a paramedic, after a few moments he hangs up.

Massacre Man: They're coming so uh... make yourself comfortable.

Another trick-or-treater kncoks at the door.


Last edited by _____V_____; 11-27-2009 at 05:22 AM.
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Old 11-11-2007, 11:46 AM
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Massacre Man paces around the room awaiting the paramedics, cut away to next door, Jenna walks outside with a full trash bag. she takes it to the trashcan and drops it in, her neighbor taps her on the shoulder, she turns around.

Jenna26: Oh, hi Austin...

Austin: Hey, how's it going?

Jenna26: Good, can I help you?

Austin: Oh, no, I was just on my porch getting swarmed over by the trick-or-treaters. I saw someone over 13 I could talk to so I put the kids on the honor system for a few minutes to have a chat.

Jenna26: Tell me about it, you'd think the parents would want to keep their kids inside with all of the recent disease outbreaks.

Austin: Tell me about it, if we had kids I wouldn't want them at times like this.

Jenna26: If WE had kids?

Austin: Yeah... oh! I mean um... our own seperate children.

Jenna26: Right, how silly of me.

The two stand in an awkward silence while Austin gives Jenna a creepy grin.

Jenna26: Well, I guess I should get back inside and tend to my bowl duties/

Austin laughs

Austin: I guess I should get back too, so long.

Jenna26 turns around and walks back inside, Austin picks up the trash bag and empties it into the ground, he walks back toward Jenna's house. Cut to Massacre Man with ABnormal who is laying on the couch with her feet propped on the table in front of it.

ABnormal: It hurts!

Massacre Man: I know!

ABnormal: How the fuck do you know!

Massacre Man: Look, at least you aren't getting your fucking eye gouged out or your feet stuck in a fucking blender!

ABnormal: What are you talking about!

Massacre Man: Nothing, just forget I said that... I think I see the head!

Cut back to Jenna26 sitting at her computer, the door behind her is closed, it slowly slides open, Austin is standing in the doorway with the bag in his hand. Cut back to Massacre Man with ABnormal.

Massacre Man: Alright, alright, I think it's almost out.

ABnormal pushes, something comes out and hits the ground but it can't be seen. Massacre Man's eyes widen and his jaw drops.

Massacre Man: What the fuck is that?

Last edited by _____V_____; 11-27-2009 at 05:22 AM.
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Old 11-13-2007, 01:14 PM
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Massacre Man stares down at what's emerged from ABnormal's body... an egg.

ABnormal (drained and exhausted): I want to see it.

Massacre Man: No you don't.

ABnormal: What's wrong?

Massacre Man: It's a fucking egg...

ABnormal: What?

Massacre Man: You layed a fucking egg.

The egg begins to crack, Massacre Man watches it, it hatches there are 5 small black creatures inside, they have scorpion-like tales sticking out of their backs, 4 of the creatures exit the house through the screen Massacre Man punched a hole into. The other one spots Massacre Man and runs at him, Massacre Man kicks it across the room, his dog comes out, the creature then motion towards the dog, Massacre Man stomps on it, crushing it. He grabs his trusty axe and walks out of the door. Cut to Austin standing directly behind Jenna26, he puts the bag on her heard, one of the creatures can be seen entering the room through the doorway, it sticks Austin in the leg with it's tail, Austin let's go of the bag and turns toward the creature, he then stands straight and turns around, he pulls Jenna out of the chair and pushes her to the ground, the creature then sticks her, Jenna stands with the same emotionless face as Austin does. Back to Massacre Man outside of his house, he runs inside of Jenna's house just as the creature jumps out of the window.

Massacre Man: Have you seen any... fuck it, you'd know what I'm talking about if you saw them, nevermind.

Massacre Man turns back around, Austin grabs his shoulder.

Massacre Man: I'm trying to do something.

Austin pushes Massacre Man against the wall, another one of the creatures comes insisde, Massacre Man kicks Austin so that he falls over onto the creature, it is slowed down but not killed, when Massacre Man gets back outside the ambulance is driving away, one of the creatures sitting on the back of it. One of them is flattened on the road as if it had been underneath of the ambulance. Massacre Man goes back inside to find only his dog sitting on the couch and the empty shell of the egg on the floor.

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Old 11-13-2007, 03:10 PM
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Massacre Man stands in the middle of the street, paranoid of what will happen to him.

Massacre Man: OK, two of them are dead, that leaves three.

A couple of trick-or-treaters walk toward him with masks over their faces.

Massacre Man: Run home, now.

The kids grab ahold of Massacre Man and try stopping him from moving so he can be poked, but they are too small. Massacre Man knocks the two to the ground, he begins running down the street to Dudeman's house, the door to a few houses swing open and people walk out with the blank expressions on their faces.

Massacre Man (To himself): Where the fuck did they come from?

Flashback to 9 months earlier, Massacre Man and ABnormal are outside of the bar. Still leaning against eachother for support, Massacre Man walks toward his van.

ABnormal (Clearly drunk): You can't drive, you're drunk!

Massacre Man (Also drunk: You're right... let's walk.

Massacre Man and ABnormal begin to walk, they stop.

Massacre Man: I'm so drunk I forgot I didn't drink. I can drive.

ABnormal: OK.

Massacre Man: Wait here...

Massacre Man walks inside. ABnormal falls over and hits her head on the floor of the ground of the alley next to the bar, ABnormal lay unconcsious, a creature that resembles the ones from the egg stands over her, it sticks it's tail between her legs, tearing through her pants, it pumps something into her and climbs up the side of the building. Cut to Massacre Man inside of the bar, everyone at the table is playing darts so Massacre Man gets the keys undetected and walks back outside. The morning after that, they are at ABnormal's house, Massacre Man wakes up first, he looks over at ABnormal, smiles like he's proud of himself then gets out of bed, fully clothed, even his shoes and walks outside of the door, his van is parked right in front of the porch, he gets in and drives off. Back to present times. Massacre Man is knocking on Dudeman's door, his car is in the driveway but nobody answers, he gets in Dudeman's car and opens the glove box, he pulls out the set of keys he had earlier, he backs out and drives to the bar from 9 months earlier. He tosses his axe in the back and walks inside, Dudeman and Freak are sitting at the table, they are also still in their suits. They look at him.

Dudeman: What are you doing here?

Massacre Man: It wasn't mine.

Freak: What wasn't yours?

Massacre Man: The baby, it wasn't mine.

Freak: She had the baby?

Massacre Man: Yeah, it wasn't mine.

Freak: How do you know?

Dudeman: It was black, wasn't it?

Massacre Man: ... What? It wasn't human.

Dudeman: Damn dude, that ugly?

Massacre Man: No, it was a monster.

Dudeman: Poor ugly kid.

Massacre Man: It wasn't a fucking kid! It was a fucking monster, like Predator!

Freak: Are you alright?

Massacre Man: No I'm not alright, my two best fucking friends are dead, and I'm trying to explain to my two shitty fucking replacement best friends that my girlfriend gave birth to an egg!

Freak: Dead?

Massacre Man: Yeah, I'm not gonna lie anymore, Rod and Illdojo are dead.

Freak: What? How?

Massacre Man: Well, Rod got a drill shoved in his eye and I'm not sure what happened to Illdojo, but I haven't seen him in flesh and bone since like Saturday.

Freak: What do you mean in flesh and bone?

Massacre Man: Long story.... You guys wanna help me?

Dudeman: Help you what, man?

Massacre Man: Kill these things.

Freak: What things?

Massacre Man: The things that popped out of the fucking egg! How many times do I have to say it... Get in Dudeman's car, we're going to the hospital.

Dudeman and Freak get up and follow Massacre Man outside, they get in the car and drive off, back inside of the bar, Angra walks out of the bathroom, looks around for his friends then at the bartender.

Angra: Where did everyone go?

Last edited by _____V_____; 11-27-2009 at 05:22 AM.
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Old 11-14-2007, 05:19 PM
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Cut to the ambulance driving toward the hospital, the paramedics, Despare and Disease are sitting in the driver and passenger seat respectively. ABnormal is in the back, sedated.

Disease: She's hot...

Despare: She's having a baby...

Disease: Doesn't change the fact she's hot.

Despare: That's kind of gross...

Disease: What is? Respecting the female form?

Despare: No... being attracted to a pregnant woman.

Disease: Oh, so if you got someone pregnant you'd just up and leave them?

Despare: No, I...

Disease: No, I get you, you aren't man enough to take up for your responsibilities, hear ya loud and clear... douchebag.

Despare: I'd stay if my girlfriend was having a baby.

Disease: You're one of those types, give her false hope then when the baby comes out it's "Fuck you, I have another family to start in Waldorf."

Despare: No, I'm talking about being turned on by someone pregnant.

Disease: Why? It's not like it makes you a pedophile... it might mean you like fat chicks though.

Despare: So does that mean you like fat chicks?

Disease: What, you got something against fat chicks now too?

Despare: No... I...

Disease: You're a real piece of shit ya know that? First you'd leave a girl for being pregnant and then you say you hate people just because they have some extra baggage. Stop talking to me.

Despare: I thought we were friends...

Disease: I was just fucking with you.

Despare: Oh...

Disease: Yeah, I know you'd never get a girl pregnant and leave her, you'd have to find a girl willing to have sex with you first.

Despare: What's that supposed to mean?

Disease: It means you're repulsive.

Disease leans his head against the seat and sighs.

Disease: You just missed the turn!

Despare: God damn it...

Despare turns around quickly and turns on the siren, the back doors to the ambulance open. Despare stops, he and Disease get out and the small creature climbs into the ambulance before the two make it around the corners, they close the door and get back in, the ambulance starts moving again, the creature starts walking toward them, Despare switches the sirens back on and floors it, the creature is thrown backward, it gets up again and starts walking again. The ambulance arrives at the hospital a few moments later, Disease and Despare walk around back, they pull out ABnormal's stretcher which the creature has latched himself onto the bottom of.
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Old 11-16-2007, 12:38 PM
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Massacre Man, Dudeman, and Freak are inside of the car stopped at a traffic light. Massacre Man has his eyes focused on the light shaking, awaiting what will happen next. Someone with the same blank stare as before approaches the car, he reaches into the open driver's side window and starts pulling Massacre Man out , Freak, who is on the passenger side starts pulling Massacre Man back in, Dudeman gets out of the backseat and walks around, he pulls the man off of Massacre Man who then gets out and returns the favor by pulling the man off of Dudeman, Massacre Man looks back at the cars beeping their horns.

Massacre Man: Shit...

One of the small creatures is making it's way down the road, Massacre Man pushes the man to the ground, Dudeman steps on hid head, crushing it. The creature stands next to Dudeman's leg, Massacre Man picks it up by the tail and starts to slam it onto the hood of a pickup truck stopped behind them, the driver, Gorephobia, gets out.

Gorephobia: Just what do you think you're doin'?

Massacre Man looks at the bloody mess that once was one of the creatures from it's tail in his hand.

Massacre Man: Sorry...

When Massacre Man looks back up his face is met with the butt of a shotgun, he is knocked unconscious. He is once again dreaming himself inside of the old abandoned house in black and white with no sound, he peeks around, he is in the attic. There is nothing out of the ordinary, he tries opening the door to exit, when he does the entire floor gives away and he falls onto the bottom floor of the house, he is laying on the driveway outside of the house, __V__ stands over him. Massacre Man wakes up tied by his feet to the back of the truck on a rocky path in the middle of the woods. Gorephobia is standing over him in a manner similar to __V__ in the dream he had just had..

Gorephobia: Well, look who woke up!

Massacre Man: Wh.. what the fuck are you doing?

Gorephobia: You never, ever do that to someone's truck when they ain't never done nothin' to you!

Massacre Man: I didn't mean to, dome the fuck on! I'll pay for reapairs, just get the fucking rope off.

Gorephobia: No, I have a better idea, we're gonna have a good ol' fashioned fag drag!

Massacre Man: A what?

Gorephobia: Fag drag! You figure it out.

Massacre Man: But I'm not a fag!

Gorephobia: Shut up!

Gorephobia throws an empty glass jar toward Massacre Man's face, but it instead breaks next to his head, his bad accuracy proved he was drunk.

Gorephobia: Now just wait here, I'm gonna go get a refill then we can get this bad boy on!

Massacre Man: Fuck off!

Gorephobia: Fuck you, faggot.

Gorephobia walks away, Massacre Man tries to work his way out of the rope wrapped around his hands, Angra approaches him, crouched down, he holds his finger to single Massacre Man to be quiet as he unties him, the two stand up and move into the surrounding forest.

Massacre Man (Whispering): Where did you come from?

Angra (Whispering): I followed you after you left me at the bar.

Massacre Man (Whispering): Where are Freak and Dudeman?

Angra (Whispering): They ran drove away after you got trapped.

Massacre Man (Whispering): I mean, where are they literally right now?

Angra (Whispering): Well...

A shot of Freak sitting inside of the car with the engine running, he is waiting for Angra to come back with Massacre Man, cut to Dudeman walking around the back of the house, every pocket he has stuffed with a moonshine bottle, every step he takes causes a sound of glass bumping together can be heard, he meets up with Massacre Man and Angra in the woods.

Massacre Man (Whispering): Alright, so why the fuck couldn't you guys just help me then instead of running?

Angra (Whispering): Because he had a shotg...

The sound of a shotgun blast is heard almost at the same exact time as Angra's head bursts with bits of skull and brain splattering over Massacre Man and Dudeman.

Gorephobia (Yelling from his truck): Who took my moonshine!?

Massacre Man and Dudeman start running while Freak drives toward them. Gorephobia turns his truck around and drives toward them, Dudeman trips and hits the ground

Dudeman: Shit!

All of the glass inside of pockets shattered, every piece poking into him, Massacre Man helps him up, tosses him into the back of the car and gets in the passenger seat.

Massacre Man: Go!

Freak starts to drive, it narrowly swurves out of the path of the pickup truck, they keep moving down the path, Massacre Man looks ahead.

Massacre Man: We... are... fucked...

The thing that scares Massacre Man is shown, gigantic group of blank-faced people are walking toward them.

Last edited by _____V_____; 11-27-2009 at 05:23 AM.
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Old 11-16-2007, 03:16 PM
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Gorephobia drives in front of the car and jumps out, completely oblivious to the group of folks behind him, he shoots through the windshield, it misses Freak and Massacre Man.

Massacre Man (To Dudeman): Did he hit you?

Dudeman: No!

Massacre Man: Alright...

Freak stomps on the gas pedal, he tosses Gorephobia back against his truck, all of the infected people gather over him wrestling him to the ground, a few shots go off from his gun, a few of the people fall over dead.

Massacre Man: Go! Go! Go!

Freak drives around the people and gets back on the road, they continue on their path to the hospital. Massacre Man suddenly sits up, alarmed.

Massacre Man: Wait, go right.

Freak: Why?

Massacre Man: Just fucking go right.

Freak turns right, they are in a parking lot of a K-Mart.

Massacre Man: Stop in the middle of the lot in case we have to run.

Freak stops the car in the middle of the lane, facing the K-Mart.

Massacre Man: Come inside with me.

Freak looks back and points toward Dudeman.

Freak: What about him?

Massacre Man: I got a job for him. Dudeman, you think your safe to drive?

Dudeman: I guess.

Massacre Man: Alright, me and Freak are going inside to get weapons and shit, we need you to watch the car, can you do that?

Dudeman: Yeah.

Massacre Man: Great.

Massacre Man gets out with Freak, opens the back door and puts Dudeman in the driver's seat.

Massacre Man: Leave the engine running, if you see anyone just start driving.

Dudeman: Alright.

Massacre Man: Great, I owe you a 6-pack buddy, see ya in a few.

Dudeman: Are you serious?

Massacre Man: Sure.

Dudeman: Awesome.

Massacre Man and Freak walk to the door of the K-Mart, Massacre Man stops.

Massacre Man: Come to the liquor store next door with me real quick.

Cut to Massacre Man and Freak walking out of the liquor store, Massacre Man is holding a 6-pack of beer, he goes to the car and hands it to Dudeman.

Dudeman: Thanks.

Massacre Man: Wait until we get home, don't drink and drive.

Massacre Man and Freak walk back to the K-Mart, they enter and are greeted by an employee behind the only open check-out counter.

Ferretchucker: Hey Massacre Man!

Massacre Man (Not thrilled to see him): Oh... hey. You're working on Halloween?

Ferretchuker: Yep, I had friends but all of my friends cancelled.

Massacre Man: That sucks.

Massacre Man starts walking away, Freak follows. Ferretchucker quickly runs and catches up to them.

Ferretchuker: So um... how has your week off been?

Massacre Man (sarcastically): ...Uneventful.

Ferretchucker: Oh, just been hangin' at home?

Massacre Man: Yeah, went some places with a few friends.

Ferretchucker: Did you ever go check out that place your friend wanted to honeymoon?

Massacre Man (Curious): How did you know about that?

Ferretchucker: I read the comment conversation you guys had on MySpace. I tried to add you quite a few times.

Massacre Man (sarcastically): Oh, weird. I never got any of the requests.

Ferretchucker: Yeah, maybe you can send me one. Oh yeah, guess what.

Massacre Man (annoyed): What?

Ferretchucker: I got a new Ferret.

Massacre Man is about to reply when Freak interrupts.

Freak: Dude, we're trying to get something, so could you just... LEAVE US THE FUCK ALONE?

Ferretchucker: Sure... see ya Friday.

Ferretchucker walks back behind the counter.

Freak: So... what are we here for?

Massacre Man: Weapons.

Freak: Cool.

Cut to Massacre Man and Freak standing in the gardening section in front of the garden sheers and hoes.

Massacre Man: Well, I want something that will just get the job done, no second guessing, just slice, move on. I don't want anything coming back after I think I killed it and tearing my stomach out. That's why I'd much rather a machete than fucking garden sheers. Because I like not having my throat cut.

A group of people slowly gather at both ends of the aisle, Massacre Man and Freak are still looking at the tools having not noticed the mob of infected blocking their exits.
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Old 11-17-2007, 04:08 PM
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massacre man massacre man is offline
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Massacre Man and Freak are still standing in the middle of the aisle, the people begin to walk toward them. They both seem to be aware of the approaching doom but aren't moving.

Freak: They're coming for us...

Massacre Man: I know... when I say "run" just run straight.

Freak: Straight? There's a shelf there.

Massacre Man: I know, when I say run just fucking run.

Freak: Fine...

Massacre Man: RUN!

Massacre Man attempts to push the shelf over, but it is bolted down. Freak climbs over top of the shelves and hops into the other aisle, Massacre Man tries to but the bottom part of the shelf gives out, the people are standing next to him.

Massacre Man: Fuck it.

Massacre Man grabs the garden sheers off of the shelf and jams them into the chest of one of the infected which clears him an exit from the crowd, he meets up with Freak at the end of the aisle, he now has a large shovel. Ferretchucker had just witnessed witnessed the whole thing, he sits behind the counter with his cell phone and calls the police, Massacre Man and Freak are unaware.

Massacre Man: You alright, Ferretchucker?

Ferretchucker: Yeah...

Ferretchucker acts as if he didn't just see Massacre Man stab a man in the chest.

Massacre Man: Come over here.

Ferretchucker starts walking toward Massacre Man and Freak when Dudeman's car smashes through the door of the building, Freak looks at Dudeman through the broken windshield, his face seems blank and is non-responsive.

Freak: He's one of them!

Massacre Man: No he's not, he's drunk, get in the car, push Dudeman into the passenger seat and take him home.

Freak: Why?

Massacre Man: I didn't realize shit would be this bad, just take Dudeman home.

Freak: Shouldn't I take him to a hospital?

Massacre Man: Don't take him to the fucking hospital.

Freak: Why?

Massacre Man: Because those things will be there.

Freak: They'll be at his house too.

Massacre Man: Shit... I forgot about that. Just get out of town. Alright. Go... Wait. Take Ferretchucker.

Freak: Where did he go?

Ferretchucker is gone.

Massacre Man: I don't know... just go.

Massacre Man grabs his axe from the back seat and then a plastic bag from behind the counter and runs off into the larger part of the store. After a few moments Freak gets in the car and drives away, it cuts to Massacre Man, the bag is full and tied to the loop of his belt, the contents can't be seen, he already has a rifle strapped to his back along with his axe, a belt with a holster for a machete and few kitchen knifes stuck into extra compartments of the belt, he is in the sporting section, he picks up a bat when Ferretchucker sneaks up behind him and jams a knife into his shoulder, Massacre Man quickly turns.

Massacre Man: What the fuck was that?

Ferretchucker: I saw you kill that guy!

Massacre Man: And?!

Ferretchucker: I'm trying to stop you!

Massacre Man: By stabbing me in the fucking shoulder!? What the fuck?

Ferretchucker pulls the knife out and swings it at Massacre Man again, he jumps back and avoids being cut, he then reaches for a knife in his belt that he shoves through the bottom of Ferretchucker's head and pushes it up, Ferretchucker falls over against the shelf and slowlyl slides to the floor. Massacre Man pulls the knife out and puts it back.

Massacre Man: Sorry...

Massacre Man walks back to the main door holding his shoulder.

Last edited by _____V_____; 11-27-2009 at 05:23 AM.
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