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Old 09-28-2007, 06:49 PM
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*MissMacabre is sitting inside of a small room in the cabin, sitting on a bed, the window is wide-open, she is talking on a cell phone*

MissMacabre: Can you please come and get me?... Alright... Fine... Thanks Anyway... Bye.

*MissMacabre hangs up and starts walking toward the door, she hears a noise, when she turns Tic is standing next to the window, his eyes a bright yellow and his teeth pointy*

Tic: Howdy.

*MissMacabre turns but Tic quickly dives forward and blocks the door, she tries making a run for the window, but Tic grabs her leg and trips her, while she is getting up Tic slides a dresser in front of the window, he tosses MissMacabre onto the bed*

MissMacabre: Let me go.

Tic: Now, to me, that sounds like a favor. Which i don't believe I owe you.

MissMacabre: Why not?

Tic: Oh, because you didn't give me anything I wanted.

MissMacabre: Like what?

Tic: Your body.

MissMacabre: No.

Tic: Then you can't leave.

MissMacabre: But I would have to lose my virginity to you, all you have to do is stand there while I open a door.

Tic: Why? I never got what I wanted, I didn't even want sex, I just wanted to feel you up, but then you whine about it and get that fat fuck to punch me.

MissMacabre: I didn't ask him to.

Tic: Bullshit! I bet you told him to, I bet you fucked him!

MissMacabre: EWWWW! Why would I do that?

*A beam of moonlight shines in, Tic takes a step back away from the bed*

Tic: That would have been... bad.

MissMacabre: What?

Tic: The light from the full moon, I would have been a wolf.

MissMacabre: How do you know that?

Tic: Instincts. Know what they're telling me now?

MissMacabre: What?

Tic: To FUCK!

*Tic leaps forward but is caught by the moonlight, he starts to transform, the wolf approaches MissMacabre when Massacre Man is smashed through the door once again*

Massacre Man: What the fuck is with you guys and doors?

Last edited by _____V_____; 07-29-2009 at 03:00 AM.
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Old 09-29-2007, 03:35 PM
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*A shot of a dimly-lit room, on one end Jenna26's hands are nailed to a chair, on the other Ferretchucker is hanging by his feet from the ceiling with a knife jammed deep into his shoulder, they are both unconscious, Rayne enters holding a pair of hedge clippers, there is a knock at the door she just entered, she sets the clippers on the table and opens the door, a voice can be heard but the person can't be seen*

Voice: Excuse me, ma'am. Oh... you have a bit of blood on your shirt. I'm with the local police department and there have reports of people vanishing around this area, would you happen to know anything about it? One of the people missing is a little kid that looks like that one.

*A shot of Ferretchucker, blood still dripping from his shoulder*

Voice: So, do you know anything about it?

*Rayne shakes her head*

Voice: Mind if I come in?

*Rayne nods*

Voice: Thanks, ma'am.

*The officer enters, it's Vodstok*

Vodstok: Well, I've got photographs of the folks that are missing you can take a look at.

*Jenna26 opens her eyes and tries mouthing the word "Help" to him while Rayne has her back turned to her, Vodstok doesn't read Jenna's lips correctly*

Vodstok: What's that about felt?

*Vodstok takes a seat in the middle of the room next to a table with the heads of Gorephobia and Disease sitting on top of it*

Vodstok: Cool props, do you work in movies or something?

*Rayne shakes her head*

Vodstok: Oh well, anyway they're pretty nice.

*Rayne nods*

Vodstok: So, have you seen these people?

*Vodstok shows pictures, included are Ferretchuker, Gorephobia, Gary Coleman, 7 from "Married With Children", and Austin34879365638026478976586285689265926597265912 69756, Rayne shakes her head*

Vodstok: Well, I guess I should be going then.

*Vodstok stands up, turns and looks at Ferretchucker hanging by his feet*

Vodstok: Oh my god...

*Rayne reaches underneath the table and pulls out a gigantic chainsaw, just as she is about to start it, Vodstok speaks*

Vodstok: These kids and their bondage play these days, ya know?

*Rayne shrugs her shoulders*

Vodstok: I blame it on that Eli Roth.

*Rayne nods in agreement*

Vodstok: Well, this was a nice conversation, I guess I'll get going. Thank you for allowing me in your home.

*Vodstok exits, Rayne watches him leave, when she turns Ferretchucker is gone, the knife from his shoulder is sitting on the floor, Rayne enters the room with a somewhat panicked look, Ferretchucker leaps from under the table with the hulking chainsaw, he starts it up, but since he is a small boy he falls straight forward when he charges at her and lands face-first on the chainsaw, his head is slpit in two, Vodstok hears the noise from outside and rushes in, he sees Ferretchucker's body on the ground*

Vodstok: Jesus Christ, what a horrible accident! I'll alert someone right away.

*Vodstok picks up his walkie talkie, Rayne yanks the nail from Jenna's hand and shoves it through Vodstok's eye, he shouts in pain, when he hits the ground it is driven in further, which kills him, Rayne picks up the chainsaw and finishes her off by splitting her in half from the bottom up*

Last edited by _____V_____; 07-29-2009 at 03:00 AM.
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Old 09-29-2007, 05:32 PM
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*__V__ tosses the walkie down, turns and moves onto the next room, a shot of the masked man, he has a 12 on his shirt, he calls over another one of the men, he has a 7 on his shirt*

Masked Man #12: I want you and your lower ranking officers to go inside and see what he's done, stay alert, I don't want to have repopulate my entire fucking unit because you guys can't pay attention.

Masked Man #7: Yes, sir.

*#7 waves over #4, #5, and #6, they enter with guns in hand, they enter the lobby and get into the elevator, when they get to the top Neverending is waiting at the door, he empties the entire gun into #4 who hits the ground a bullet-riddled blood-soaked corpse, when he falls his hand drags across the floor buttons on the elevator, the remaining 3 are about to draw there guns when the door closes and goes up*

Neverending: Heh Heh, gotcha.

*Cut to __V__ and ABnormal running down a flight of stairs, they make it to the back door, they walk out and peak around, the water delivery truck is still running, the driver dead at the wheel, rotten. __V__ and ABnormal start to run toward the exit of the alley, #8 and #9 leap in front of them, they turn and run back toward the door, ABnormal trips, __V__ keeps running and leaves her behind, she backs toward the wall while the two masked men stand over her, #9 pulls out a needle and #8 pulls out a test tube, #9 pokes her with the needle and puts it in the test tube, the fluid inside turns blue*

Masked Man #8: It's positive.

*The two men step back and aim the guns at ABnormal, just before they fire they are smashed by the delivery truck with __V__ at the wheel, he stops and gets out*

__V__: Sorry about that...

ABnormal: It's alright.

*A bullet flies between them, they look up and see #7 leaning from a window shooting at them, they run back inside, just as 5 and 6 make it to the bottom, they aim their guns at him and tell him "Freeze", __V__ and ABnormal put their hands up, Neverending gets to the bottom of the stairs shortly after and shoots both of the masked men*

__V__: Thanks.

Neverending: I hope you know you owe me now, especially you, heh heh.

*Neverending raises his eyebrows to ABnormal*

__V__: You guys ready to get out of here?

*#7 rushes to the bottom of the stairs, he pulls the trigger and his gun clicks. __V__ punches him, he then proceeds to take his gun and shove it into his chest, __V__, Neverending, and ABnormal exit the building and start to ride off in the delivery truck, they get a short way before the gas runs out*

__V__: Shit.

*The 3 get out of the truck, a Hummer stops next to them, #10 gets out*

__V__: So uh... I take it from your Hummer that you're more of a fist-fight kinda guy?

*#10 nods and drops his gun to the ground*

__V__: One second.

*__V__ points at the apartment building and whispers to Neverending and ABnormal*

__V__: Go hide in there, room #69, that's my room.

*__V__ gives them the key*

__V__: Go.

*ABnormal kisses __V__ on the lips, they keep their lips locked for a few moments, then Neverending and ABnormal run, #10 picks up the gun to stop them, __V__ slaps it out of his hand*

__V__: Hey, I thought this was supposed to be a fair fight.

*They put their fists up and #10 takes the first swing which knocks __V__ to the ground, he then proceeds to kick __V__ in the ribs until he is coughing up blood*

__V__: To hell with this, I'm not fighting fair.

*__V__ grabs #10's leg and pulls him to the ground, he punches him between the legs several times before finally standing and stomping his head in and taking his gun, __V__ turns and rushes toward the apartment building, he goes up the stairs to the top floor and gets to room 69, he looks in the window and sees #11 and #12, ABnormal is sitting in the bed, she then falls over lifeless, __V__ kicks the door open, shoots #11 in the head and charges at #12, tearing his mask off, he is revealed to be VampiricClown, VampiricClown responds to the de-masking by shooting __V__ through the chest, he hits the ground still breathing, short of breath, he looks at ABnormal, not a single bullet wound, it looks like her flesh is rotting rapidly, he realizes she was diseased*

__V__: She had it and I...

*Neverending charges out from a closet he was hiding in, VampiricClown grabs him and throws him to the ground, puts his foot on his throat and blows Neverending's brains out, __V__ shoots Vampiric Clown in the back of the leg, he falls down, __V__ pulls himself on top of him and spits right into VampiricClown's mouth before dying, VampiricClown pushes __V__'s body off of him and stands*

VampiricClown: I have it now, I'm going to have to suffer through my flesh rotting from the inside out... I can't do it.

*VampiricClown stands up and walks to the balcony, he looks at the parking lot below and leaps off, he hits the ground with a splat just as a giant truck marked "Antidote" drives by*

Last edited by _____V_____; 07-29-2009 at 03:01 AM.
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Old 09-30-2007, 08:46 AM
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*Massacre Man stands up as the wolf approaches him, he turns and sees the wolf version of Tic*

Massacre Man: You've gotta be fucking kidding me...

*Massacre Man kicks Bleeding_AngelGirl in the face and jumps onto the bed with MissMacabre, he grabs her hand and and runs out of the room, they go into the woods, Massacre Man finds a hollowed out, rotting tree*

Massacre Man: Get in there.

*MissMacabre ducks into the hole, Massacre Man sees the outhouse, he runs inside and sits down, he goes to turn the lock, but there isn't one.*

Massacre Man: It smells like the Holocaust...

*the 2 wolves surround the outhouse, impossible to tell apart now, they start to scratch it*

Massacre Man: Fuck, occupied! occupied!

*The wolves knock over the outhouse, the top falls off and Massacre Man rolls out of it, he gets up and runs back into the cabin, he starts tossing beer bottles on the ground*

Massacre Man: I've gotta be fucking retarded to think this will work...

*Massacre Man starts to stab Dude Guadalupe more and more so the blood drips out and mixes with the beer, Massacre Man slips out of the back window and watches the wolves walk in, crushing the broken glass, he watches them lick up the alcohol-filled blood*

Massacre Man: Holy shit, it's actually working.

*Dude Guadalupe wakes up and starts licking it up*

Massacre Man: That's just fucking strange.

*Massacre Man starts to walk away quietly, he starts headed toward the road when the wolves burst out after him, he runs back into the woods and starts zig-zagging through the trees, the wolves keep hitting them or stumbling to the ground*

Massacre Man: Haha! They're fucking drunk!

*Massacre Man trips, he spots Rayne walking from her house, her back toward Massacre Man*

Massacre Man: *Quietly to himelf* Oh, thank God, help.

*Just as he is about to yell he spots the bloody chainsaw*

Massacre Man: *Quietly to himself* Nevermind...

*Massacre Man gets up and starts running again, he makes it back to where the tow truck was, the body of the wolf he killed is gone, the head it also missing*

Massacre Man: That just doesn't make sense.

*A headless wolf body runs at him with only 2 legs, Massacre Man leaps to the side*

Massacre Man: Come the fuck on!

*Massacre Man hops onto the back of the tow truck and waits for the wolf body to come for him, he swings the hook on the back of the truck which catches the wolf, he hops off, the wolf is unable to get off, Massacre Man smiles at what he'd done, he hears a growling, the head of the wolf is about to bite his feet*

Massacre Man: You guys are fucking stubborn...

*Massacre Man puts the wolf head on the floor of the tow truck's cab, Dude Guadalupe's wolf, obvious because of the head wounds leaps out but stumbles over again, another wolf walks out and mounts it, Massacre Man looks below the two wolves*

Massacre Man: Tic! Ewww!

*Bleeding_AngelGirl's wolf walks slowly out of the woods, throwing up all over the ground, Massacre Man runs to Rayne's house, the door is locked, he throws himself through the door, he spots the bodies of Disease and Jenna26 and recognizes them, he stares Jenna26 in the face*

Massacre Man: Serves you right, bitch! I hope you suffered through every fucking minute of it!

*Massacre Man remembers what he was doing, he looks at all of her weapons, and chooses a sledge hammer, Bleeding_AngelGirl walks in, the rays of the morning sun shine in, she turns back into the a person and hits the ground, hung over*

Massacre Man: Wow, that actually makes this easier.

Bleeding_AngelGirl: Shhhhhhh!

*Massacre Man smashes her skull with the hammer and walks back to the tow truck, he sees Tic laying on Dude Guadalupe naked, Dude is already dead from the head wounds, Illdojo and Roderick Usher appear next to Massacre Man*

Illdojo: Eww, he had sex with a dead body. Why would somebody do that?

*Massacre Man and Roderick Usher look awkwardly at Illdojo*

Illdojo: Oh yeah.

*Massacre Man smashes in Tic's head, along with Dude's just in case*

Massacre Man: Oh yeah, that girl.

*Massacre Man runs to the rotting tree*

Massacre Man: I'm here, they're all dead.

*He gets around the tree and looks inside, MissMacabre is laying inside of it gutted*

Massacre Man: Shit...

*Rayne puts a plastic bag over Massacre Man's head and pulls on it tight, Massacre Man turns and leans against the rotting tree, they fall through it, Massacre Man puts his finger through the bag making a hole to breathe through, he tears the bag open and pushes Rayne to the ground*

Massacre Man: Why does nobody in the movies do that?

*Massacre Man drags Rayne to the lake at which she killed Gorephobia and drowns her in it, yelling at her the whole time he's doing it*

Massacre Man: This is for making lose an eye, this is for making me lose my feet, this is for making me miss Tales From The Crypt, this is for making run from zombies, this is for making me get eaten by zombies, this is for making me possessed by a fucking book, this is for making fight a monkey, this is for making fight a werewolf, this is for killing my friends and making me go fucking crazy enough to get visits from them in my head but not crazy enough to not be annoyed by it, this is for killing every fucking person I've come into contact with in the last 2 days, this is for knocking over the outhouse I was in and covering me in century-old grey shit. FUCK YOU!

*Rayne stops moving, Massacre Man kicks her body into the water and starts to walk off*

Massacre Man: I'm fucking indestructable! Hey God! Bring on whatever the fuck you want! I'll take it! I can't be killed! It's fucking impossible!

*Massacre Man lays down on the ground and closes his eyes to relax after all of this time, when he opens his eyes and looks among the tops of the trees he gets an extremely panicked look, you can't see what he's looking at*

Massacre Man: No, fuck no, please, fuck no.

*The screen goes black, a monkey's shriek can be heard*


Last edited by _____V_____; 11-27-2009 at 05:35 AM.
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Old 09-30-2007, 09:05 AM
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Body Count (As well as I remember)

Gorephobia-Piped by Rayne
Disease-Throat Cut by Rayne
Those assholes __V__ and ABnormal worked with-Shot or dieased by the water
Masked Man #1-Head smashed by __V__
Masked Man #3-Shot by __V__
Masked Man #2-Knobbed by __V__
Ferretchucker-He's small.
Vodstok-Nailed by Rayne
Jenna26-Chainsaw'd by Rayne
Masked Man #8-Run over by __V__
Masked Man #9-Run over by __V__
Masked Man #5-Shot by Neverending
Masked Man #6-Shot by Neverending
Masked Man #7-Got a gun in the chest.
Masked Man #10-Nuts smashed, head crushed by __V__
Masked Man #11-Shot in the head by __V__
Neverending-Shot in the head by VampiricClown
__V__-Shot in the heart by VampiricClown
VampiricClown-Commits suicide after __V__ spits in his mouth
Bleeding_AngelGirl-Head smashed in by Massacre Man
Dude Guadalupe-Died from head wounds caused by Massacre Man
Tic-Head smashed in my Massacre Man
MissMacabre-Gutted by Rayne
Rayne-Drowned by Massacre Man

(Supposed) Survivors: Massacre Man, Masked Man #4.
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Old 10-12-2007, 07:54 AM
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HDC the Movie - Part V

Thunder rumbles in the distance, followed by huge bolts of lightning which act as bright flashes...revealing a huge jungle drenched by torrential rain. A small muddy path runs through the centre...and the scene zooms on a stagecoach pulled by 6 puffing, wet horses...which winds its way through the arduous terrain...

The driver, wearing a long, dark grey cloak, whips the horses in a furious frenzy...muttering under his breath and looking up and around. The cloak falls back a bit...and the face is revealed to be that of alkytrio666's...

alkytrio666: Blast this rain! If only I knew about this sooner, we wouldn't have left Drongo Pass for Synthelvania!!

Inside the stagecoach, 3 people sit huddled in their corners...covering themselves tightly. 2 of them got blankets...while the remaining one tightens his jacket around him...his face partially hidden by his huge cowboy hat tipped to one side. He is apparently taking a nap, unmindful of all the shaking and bobbing.

Stranger 1 (annoyed): The weather was fine when we left Drongo Pass. Where did this hellish rain come from?!

Stranger 2 (anxiously): Damned if I know! The sky was clear as crystal too...I feel very afraid...

Stranger 1: Lets hope our driver is a skillful one and reaches our destination safely.

Stranger 2 nods, shaking and quivering, slightly drenched. A wisp of long hair on one side hints that she is a woman...and a very nervous one.

Stranger 1 looks outside wistfully at the sky, revealing a pair of big, grey eyes...and long, drawn out looks. It is VampiricClown.

VampiricClown (shaking his head): This doesn't look good...not good at all!

Stranger 2 looks up and shakes her head, and a sudden flash of lightning reveals her face. It is Hammerfan.

Hammerfan: Do you think this rain will stop soon?

VampiricClown: I don't think so. At least, not yet.

alkytrio666 whips the horses again. The whole countryside is lit up by sudden flashes of lightning, and the thunder becomes deafening. Suddenly the coach lurches as if it will tip to one side, but it straightens with speed.

alkytrio666: I hope we don't lose a wheel. I can't see a damn thing in this rain!

The huge shake causes the 3rd stranger to stir...and he opens his eyes slowly with a slightly annoyed look. His eyes are a bright green...and a small hint of sharp teeth and a snarl quickly disappear from his face with the flash of lightning outside. This is ___V___.

___V___ (in a deep, echoing voice): You both chose the wrong night to travel...

VampiricClown (surprised but slightly annoyed): We certainly didnt know things would get worse so quickly.

___V___ (looking outside with a gleam in his eyes): You have no idea how worse it can get...

Hammerfan (nervously): What do you mean?

___V___ points at the distance, and both VampiricClown and Hammerfan peer out of the window. The lightning bolts blaze the sky in a brilliant hue, and the rocky terrain is revealed in full glory for a few seconds. In the distance, many faint lights are revealed between the rocks and trees.

Hammerfan (sitting back slowly, wide-eyed): Wh-What are th-th-those?

___V___ (staring at Hammerfan directly without blinking): Wolves.

VampiricClown (stammering): Y-You got-tta be kiddd-dding me-eee...in this-ss hea-vvvyyy rain-nnn?

___V___ (turning his glance back outside): Yes.

The stagecoach passes through a clump of trees, and everything goes dark for a few minutes...a loud rumble causes it to shake real bad. VampiricClown peers out and yells.


A bolt of lightning cracks through the sky, followed by a loud rumble of thunder...and the scene before him makes VampiricClown's hairs stand.

Because the driver's seat is empty...
"If you gaze for long into an abyss, the abyss gazes also into you." - Friedrich Nietzsche
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Old 10-13-2007, 06:19 AM
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VampiricClown slowly gets back in, shaking and shivering...eyes wide, open-mouthed. Hammerfan takes one look at him and pales.

Hammerfan (gulping): What is it, VampiricClown?

VampiricClown (shaking): Alky...I-hh-he's gone!

Hammerfan: gone? where?

VampiricClown (yelling wildly): Gone! As in gone!! Poof!! Like the horns of a donkey!

Hammerfan: H-how can that be?! He was out there just now...I heard him!!

___V___ (calmly): He's back.

VampiricClown (with disbelief): WHAT?!?!

___V___: Look for yourself.

VampiricClown looks outside the window again, and sees a cloaked figure seated where alkytrio was, whipping the horses furiously in the drenching rain. VampiricClown yells out at him, and the figure turns back at him. A huge flash of lightning reveals two eyes under the cloak which burn bright green for a second, then disappear. VampiricClown has no time to react, because just then unseen claws grip him firmly and he is yanked out from the stagecoach into the darkness.

Hammerfan: AIEEEEEEEEEEEE!! Th-they g-g-got...

___V___ (watching VampiricClown's legs disappear into the darkness): Wait here.

Hammerfan: Wh-Where are you go...?

Before Hammerfan could finish her query, ___V___ yanks the door of the shaking stagecoach open, pulls his cowboy hat down firmly, and jumps out into the coal-black night and disappears. Hammerfan shakes uncontrollably, then peers out at the figure which has taken alkytrio's place. A low growl emanates from him, and he glances back. Hammerfan catches a glimpse of protruding, sharp teeth and wild, green eyes in the bolt of lightning which erupts around her...and sinks back into the stagecoach.

Hammerfan: D-d-damnit...ah what the hell?!

Hammerfan kicks the door outwards, and jumps out of it herself. The mysterious driver whips the horses in a furious frenzy again, and with a renewed wild yelp, the horses pull the coach into the dark jungle where it disappears from sight in a second.

Hammerfan gets up slowly...her leg on fire from a deep gash on it. A slow trickle of blood seeps down from her naked wound, and she peers forward from where she stands, hobbling.

Just then, another huge bolt of lightning lights up the entire area, and Hammerfan sees a huge mansion some way off to the right from where she is standing, behind a huge gate which creaks slowly in the gusty rain. A sign on it flies wildly from side to side.

Hammerfan tries to watch the sign closely by taking a step forward, but just then someone grabs her from behind and closes a hand on her mouth!!
"If you gaze for long into an abyss, the abyss gazes also into you." - Friedrich Nietzsche
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Old 10-13-2007, 09:02 AM
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Hammerfan tries to scream, but a deep voice whispers "Shhhh...!" into her ears. She turns her head slightly to see ___V___ behind her looking intently beyond the gates. She heaves a small breath of relief and nods, and ___V___ unwraps his hand from her mouth and points over her shoulder at the gate sign.

You Are Not Welcome

Hammerfan looks on confused, and suddenly becomes aware of soft growls all around her. She turns around to ___V___, but he is not there. In a fit of panic, she wipes her face off the pouring rain and looks around. ___V___ is already near the gate, and he gestures at her to come forward. Hammerfan starts, then suddenly hobbles...losing her balance. ___V___ is beside her in a swift second, holding her up...and putting one of her hands around his shoulders, walks forward to the gate, supporting her.

Hammerfan (in-between hobbles): D-do you think we w-w-will be able to f-find someone out here?

___V___ (quietly): Not someone. Some-thing.

Hammerfan looks at him for a panicky moment, hoping for a more detailed answer, but the sharp pain of her leg drives that thought out of her mind. She hobbles on forward supported by ___V___ to the gate, and both of them look inside.

The gates cover a tattered shed beyond it, and between rows of trees and shrubbery, a long path leads to the desolate mansion...which itself was huge, stretching into the dark sky...totally shrouded in darkness without a single light.

___V___: We have to go in. The wolves are everywhere.

Hammerfan (looking around her fearfully): D-d-did they get alk-kytrio and Vamp-pp-piricClown?

___V___ (calmly): No. Something else got them.

Hammerfan turns to ___V___ with wild terror in her eyes, but ___V___ is watching something beyond the gates.

___V___: Let's go in. It's safe...for now.

___V___ tries to pull the gates open, but they dont budge too much. He tries pushing it, but the gates stop slightly ahead again. Just then he notices the chain at the bottom of the gates. He grabs a rung and pulls, and the chain comes loose. Hammerfan watches open-mouthed as ___V___ pushes the gates forward and they open out wide with a loud CREAK.

Hammerfan (very nervously): How did you open that thick chain?

___V___ does not answer, but keeps looking around them. He helps Hammerfan inside, and closes the gates behind him. Then they walk to the porch of the mansion, and ___V___ walks over to the main door, looking around.

The mansion itself looks very eerie, partially hidden by huge trees and shrubs which have outgrown it on all sides. A long corridor separates the porch and the outer door, which stretches on all sides. A single window beside the door looks shut, but the glass on it is cracked. ___V___ tries the door which does not budge from its place, then turns around to Hammerfan.

___V___: Wait here. I'll be back.

Hammerfan nods, rubbing her shoulders, shivering. ___V___ disappears from sight for a few seconds, then the front door's bolts are turned back, and it opens with a loud CLANG!, which resonates inside the dark mansion.

Hammerfan (trying to peer into the darkness): ___V___?

The rain keeps pouring down outside, and a slow but vicious snarl comes from near the door. Hammerfan cant see anything, and suddenly a bright light breaks the darkness in front of her. A stranger stands in front of her, holding a lantern in his hands. He looks quite old and wrinkled.

Hammerfan: Who are you?

Stranger (in an old, cackling voice): I am the caretaker of this place. My name is neverending. And who might you be, lass?

Hammerfan (shivering): I am Hammerfan. I got caught in this terrible storm after ditching my stagecoach. Can I get shelter for the night?

neverending looks at her from head to toe, and shakes his head slightly.

neverending: You might...if you choose to ignore the night sounds this place makes.

Hammerfan: Night sounds? What kind?

neverending: You will know. Anyone else with you?

Hammerfan: There was another person who helped me to here, ___V___. He went looking for another entrance to the inside.

neverending: Come on in then. He will find his way in too.

Hammerfan shivers for a couple moments, but too tired and leg hurting, asks no more and hobbles inside. Neverending shuts the door behind her. Hammerfan looks around her, and by the feeble light the lantern offers, sees that she is standing in some sort of a gigantic hall...which has a spiral staircase right in-between which is split into two taperings at the ground floor. A huge chandelier hangs in between the hall, and the staircase leads to further parts of the mansion. Beyond it, rows of rooms can be seen. Also, doors on either side of the hall are visibly apparent.

Hammerfan: Wow! This is a big place. You live all alone here?

Hammerfan turns around, and finds the lantern on a table beside her. Neverending has disappeared!
"If you gaze for long into an abyss, the abyss gazes also into you." - Friedrich Nietzsche
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Old 10-13-2007, 09:00 PM
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_____V_____ _____V_____ is offline
For Vendetta
Join Date: Mar 2005
Posts: 31,677
Hammerfan looks around, expecting to see neverending somewhere near, but he's nowhere to be seen. Hammerfan shivers slightly. Just then, a door in front of her slams shut...and the sounds reverberates all around her. Hammerfan picks up the lantern and tries to see in that direction, then slowly takes a step forward.

A voice (deep and ghoulish): STAY PUT!!

Hammerfan shivers wildly, the hairs on the back of her neck standing out like pins...and stands rooted to her place. A silvery shadow breaks through the darkness in front and walks up to her. Hammerfan gets ready to scream but the feeble lantern light reveals it to be ___V___.

___V___(slightly annoyed): You never listen to what you are told, do you?

Hammerfan (relieved): You ass! You gave me such a fright. I could kiss you!!

___V___: Keep the love to yourself. We have bigger things to worry about.

Hammerfan (curiously): Bigger th-...?

___V___: UNHF!!!!!

Hammerfan doesn't get a chance to complete her question as something huge with a red furry streak flies through the darkness and grabs ___V___ from behind, lifting him to the upper levels of the mansion. A scuffle is heard, and the mysterious creature comes crashing down somewhere in front of Hammerfan, steam coming out of its nostrils in short bursts. ___V___ jumps down and has his guns unholstered in a flash.

___V___(snarling): You DON'T attack ME!

Creature: GROWLLLLLL!!!

___V___ pumps 3 bullets rapidly into the creature, who lets out a big howl and then goes quiet.

Hammerfan is sitting down, shivering uncontrollably, biting into her fingers at the scene in front of her. ___V___ walks over to her, reloading his guns. Hammerfan looks disbelievingly at him and at the creature in turns.

Hammerfan: wh-what THE HELL WAS TH-THAT?!

___V___ (looking back then replying matter-of-factly): Just a werewolf.

Hammerfan (shaking): w-w-werewolf?

___V___ (putting guns back in holsters): Yes. Long story.

Hammerfan: Just what the hell is going on around here?

___V___: I dont have time to tell you. There are more around. We better keep moving.

Hammerfan (with slight sarcasm): And go where?

___V___: Somewhere in this mansion is a hidden, locked room. There you will find the answers. Come on!

___V___ grabs Hammerfan's arm and lifts her up, and starts forward.

Hammerfan: Just a minute. Get the lantern.

___V___: I dont need it. Do you?

Hammerfan: Yes I bloody well do!

___V___ grabs the lantern in his other hand, and both of them climb the staircase to the upper level of the mansion. A pair of green eyes watch them keenly, and a low growl emanates from the darkness.
"If you gaze for long into an abyss, the abyss gazes also into you." - Friedrich Nietzsche
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Old 10-14-2007, 12:39 PM
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_____V_____ _____V_____ is offline
For Vendetta
Join Date: Mar 2005
Posts: 31,677
Hammerfan and ___V___ walk into the hallway above, which has closed doors on both sides.

Hammerfan: If that was a werewolf, how did it die by your bullets? I heard they dont die so easily. And who was the guy who let me in? He said his name was neverending and then he-

___V___: disappeared. All in due time, lady. We are here.

___V___ stops in front of a huge locked door, gets something out of his pocket, and inserts it into the keyhole and turns. There is an unlocking sound, and he pulls the handle downward and pushes. The door opens with a slight creak. He pulls them both quickly inside, and closes the door behind them.

___V___ (quietly): We are safe...for now.

Hammerfan (sarcastically): Great. I was beginning to worry.

___V___ (looking at her): You dont believe me, do you?

Hammerfan (stretching the hand holding the lantern out): Try me.

The room they are in has a locked door on the other side. A window nearby is bolted shut, and they can see a couch and settee in the centre...overlooking an enormous glass bookshelf.

___V___ motions to the couch and Hammerfan walks over, puts the lantern on the table beside the couch, and sinks heavily into it with a deep sigh.___V___ looks around, then tears off a long, thin curtain and walks over to Hammerfan. He then proceeds to bandage her wound tightly.

___V___: We dont want you bleeding all over the place. They smell it and get voracious.

Hammerfan: They?

___V___: The things out there.

Hammerfan: But you said they were werewolves.

___V___: Technically, yes. Thats what they are. But these are different. They move differently, and can fly for short distances.

Hammerfan: f-fly?!

___V___: Yes. It must be the virus...

Hammerfan: What virus?

___V___ (taking a deep breath): Ok hear me out. I was a TV news reporter once-

___V___ never gets past the first sentence. A loud thud is heard from the next room behind the locked door on the other side, followed by a deep moan. Both Hammerfan and ___V___ instantly turn towards the door.

Hammerfan (whispering): Wh-what could it be?

___V___ (whispering back): Wait here. And this time I mean it.

___V___ walks over to the locked door and listens for a few moments. He then tries the handle, but it doesnt budge. He looks around and notices a key hanging from the wall beside the door. He grabs it and tries it on the keyhole, and the door unlocks.

___V___ looks below the door for a second, and satisfied...opens the door slightly. He peers into the room beyond.

___V___ (in a low voice to himself): Oh...my...GOD!!!
"If you gaze for long into an abyss, the abyss gazes also into you." - Friedrich Nietzsche
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