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Old 02-23-2013, 01:53 AM
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however, as michael turns, he realizes it is already too late for that. Ten bloody, infected prisoners, come squeezing through the door behind him. Chills rush through michaels spine, he thinks about, jumping off the wall but realizes, that it is too far of a fall, and he would only hurt himself badly, or die. Therefore, with that in mind, michael decides to push forward through the smaller pack of inmates, liking his odds much better. Michael blasts through the three menacing figures with the shotgun, exploding their heads, as they fall to the ground. Michael rushes through the door at the other end of the walkway, stumbling over, and kicking the head of a decapitated guard, which the prisoner has just dropped. Michael knocks a huge cabinet over blocking the door, which perfectly and amazingly wedges itself between the wall, and the door. Therefore, there is no way the beast can get through and get to him. Safely inside, huffing and puffing, trying to catch his breath, michael takes a minute to recharge himself. Michael notices the room is loaded with ammunition, he loads the satchel with as much ammo as he can carry, causing the bag to be much heavier. Now just wanting to get out of here as soon as possible, michael starts heading toward the door, which leads down the stairs and outside. However, michael begins hearing the sound of footsteps, coming up the stairs. Michael locks the door, and puts his ear to the door hearing the moaning of more infected prisoners. With michael trapped, and with only one-way out, he wedges a chair between the floor, and underneath the handle of the door. Michael then begins looking for some kind of rope, or anything that he can repel down with, and exit the prison. Michael becomes extremely frustrated, and cannot find anything. Michael now realizes, that the only exit out of the last tower, leads through the prison. Michael decides that he has to go, because the inmates are about to bust through the door. Michael hears the legs on the chair beginning to crack. He runs out of the tower, and across the walkway to the last of the guard towers, shooting his shotgun and looking back as he goes. They quickly pile out the door behind him, they seem, to be moving a lot faster, then any of the others he has seen so far. Michael reaches the last tower, to see the bodies of the five guards ripped apart, all over the room, he notices one of their heads missing completely, and realizes that it was probably the one, that he had just been playing soccer with. Michael slams the door behind him locking it, while sliding another cabinet in front of the door. Michael heads down the stairs, to exit the tower. He sees the door leading into the prison is already open, he realizes that the five guards must have been trying to exit the prison by coming through here, and out through the towers. Hoping he has better luck, michael passes through the doorway, and shuts the big metal door behind him, latching its heavy locking mechanism as he passes through, not sure of what was ahead of him, and the horrors he was sure to find, inside .

First two lines that should come out of your mouth towards your lady, after a long day at work ! :eek:
JK :p
I ain't afraid of NO GHOST! OK, maybe just a little!
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Old 02-23-2013, 01:54 AM
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H3orH3D_Script4U H3orH3D_Script4U is offline
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Chapter 7: Prison break

with michaels back pressed against the door, looking down the massive corridor of opened prison cells, with many of the light bulbs completely busted out, and a few of them flickering off and on, michael retires the shotgun to the satchel and loads up the a.k. , figuring that there is going to be a ton of inmates ahead. Michael begins, walking slowly past an electric chamber, hearing a horrendous crackling noise, he glances in, and notices an inmate still sitting in the chair. The inmate is still being electrocuted vigorously convulsing, and shaking, obviously infected, because he is still groaning and grunting. Dumbfounded and still staring michael sees, the blue glow of the electric current, flowing through the inmates empty eye sockets, from where his eyes have popped, like unboiled eggs being squeezed in someone’s hands. Somehow, the inmate senses michael near, and rips his arms free of the leather restraints. The inmate then slings the device from his head, and begins lumbering towards michael. Somehow, the inmate is still glowing, as the current is still flowing through his body. Almost as if, he acted like a battery, which was taking a charge. With the current still seeming to be flowing through the inmate, michael begins fearing that if the inmate was to even touch, or get close to michael, that he would be electrocuted. Michael slowly begins backing up, he then looks down and realizes, that since they had set fire to the drugs, the sprinkler system has went off, throughout the prison, leaving puddles of water littered up and down the corridor. Michael begins firing the assault riffle, but it seems to have no effect on the inmate, the metal bullets that are flying through the electrically charged inmate, just seems to make him grow, brighter, and brighter blue, like the friction is charging him up. Terrified, michael runs around the corner and into the first room, he finds. Not realizing where he is, and what he just did, michael looks to see, that he had just trapped himself in the shower room, and the floor is flooded with ankle high water. Panicking at what to do, michael climbs onto a small tiled partition, which is separating the room down the middle, into two different showering areas. As the inmate is approaching the flooded shower room, michael looks up, to see a large water pipe running along the ceiling just inside the entrance. Michael then begins thinking to himself, that if he was to shoot the pipe, just as the inmate enters, that all the water on the floor, and the water pouring from the pipe, might just cause the inmate to discharge all the electricity running through him, and maybe, michael can bring the inmate down. As the inmate is getting closer, and closer, the gun slips from michaels hand, and falls in the murky pool of water on the floor. Rushing before the inmate enters the room, michael jumps from his perch, digging his hands frantically through the dirty water, finally finding the a.k. . . . The inmate enters the room, as michael barely jumps to safety; michael then shoots the pipe releasing the water, which begins pouring all over the inmate. The electric current then starts spreading throughout the room, lighting the floor, and going up the pipe. It is working; michael sees that the inmate is getting dimmer, and beginning to fade, as his current is spreading out, and as the rest of the room gets brighter, and brighter. Michael begins unloading the assault rifle into the inmates head, as the lights go out. With the inmate smoldering and sizzling, he falls into the pool of water, with the sound of a lit cigarette butt, hitting a muddy puddle, as the extremely intense situation, ends. Stepping down, from his slippery narrow safety net, michael heads back into the main corridor, to begin making his way out of the prison, via the only exit left available, which is the main entrance where he first arrived. Michael begins marching his way down the corridor, which seems to have the effects of a strobe light, from the lights that are flickering off and on. Michael then starts becoming overwhelmed, by the stench of the dirty cells that fill the room, and the unflushed toilets inside of them. He sees that the floors are covered in pools of water, and blood, with abandoned shanks, spread throughout. Suddenly michael hears, what sounds like a police baton being drug, across the metal bars of the prison bars. Then out of nowhere, bullets began flying past him, bouncing off the walls, and floor around him. Michael then hears, a familiar voice coming from the second floor of cells just above him. Michael remembers that voice, it is his former boss, the warden of the prison. With michael hiding in the cells, the warden starts shouting, “i never thought, i would be seeing your face again michael” “, you know michael you are not as pretty as you used to be”. (with a light snicker at the end), “and you know what else michael, i would not have had to see that face of yours, if that sorry ass, good for nothing, brother of yours, would have done his job, like i ordered him too.” “by the way, how is that family of yours”, the warden sarcastically, asks. Completely filled with anger and rage, michael yells back, “you son of a bitch” ”, i promise you that your going to die tonight” ”, and you better pray that the abominations lurking these halls get you first” “, because im going to make you feel every bit of the pain that i’ve felt” “,every ounce of it” “, i promise you”. With that, the warden starts in, “you know michael” “, maybe if i would've just listened to you” “, and let you go through with your plan of stopping us from moving forward with everything ”, we could've possibly avoided all this” “, and none of this would have ever happened” “, but where’s the fun in that, right” “, and it’s definitely too late for that now” “, isn’t it? Michael.” “you know what michael” “, if you want me” “, come and get me”. In addition, with that, michael hears a door exiting the corridor, slamming shut, followed by silence. Michael springs to his feet, chasing after the warden, exiting the corridor right behind, into another bloody, dead body filled, dark hallway. As michael slowly begins checking empty room, after empty room, fearing not only the for infected prisoners, but also the psychopathic, gun crazy warden. Michael finally comes across a room, which has a label on the door saying, (laundry room). Michael reaches for the handle and tries it, but the handle, does not move. Michael thinks to himself, the warden has to be in here, it is the only room left unchecked, and it is locked, from the inside. Michael violently kicks in the door, busting it from its frame, while scanning the room with his rifle drawn. But there is no sign of the warden, just a small room lit by the flame of a iron furnace, that is sitting at the end, of two rows of washers and dryers, where they burn the dirty, piss covered sheets of the inmates. As michael is leaving the room, he hears a gnawing sound, coming from behind the row of dryers, he hesitates and approaches the noise, peaking behind the dryers to see the upper torso of a infected prisoner, that has been ripped in half, chopping on a dead guard. The halfling stops with his chow, and slowly begins crawling towards michael. Not wanting to waste ammo, or give away his position with the sound of gun fire, and having all the time in the world. Michael grabs the fire poker propped against the furnace, and plunges it in the little guys back, grabbing the poker firmly, lifting the lively torso off the ground, while it is still wiggling around, michael shoves it in the dryer, turning the dryer on as he closes the door. All right, back in the hallway, michael realizes that there is one more, multi-level prison cell room, which he has to pass through, before reaching the main hallway, which leads to the exit. In addition, with michael needing to hurry if he wants to, catch up to the warden. Michael peers into a small window on the door, which leads through the cell room, he sees the warden running through a sea of infected inmates, shooting them as he goes. The inmates are not really attacking the warden; the bigger inmates are too busy attacking, the smaller inmates. Knowing that there is no way michael could blast his way through there, and make it out in one piece, michael comes up with an idea. He thinks, “if he dresses like an inmate” “, and being a bigger guy himself” “, he might be able to stagger his way through unnoticed”. Michael heads back to the laundry room, and changes into an oversized jumpsuit. Putting it over his clothes, with his satchel on his back inside the suit, filling out the large jumpsuit, and making him look as if, he has an abnormality. Michael then runs over to the mauled guard, and smears the guards blood on his face, and then his clothes. In doing so, michael notices a small knife, on the guards utility belt, that he decides to carry through the wall of inmates, for protection. Michael heads back to the door, and slowly begins opening it, hoping not to draw their attention in the process. Michael squeezes through the door, and begins making his way through the disfigured, and bloody inmates, halfway through the corridor of violent madness, with bodies falling from the upper levels, surrounded by the fighting inmates. Michael notices that, the bigger inmates are not paying him any attention, and that the smaller inmates are acting fearful of him, michael begins limping faster, and faster. As michael almost reaches the end of the corridor, out of nowhere, a smaller inmate that is missing his bottom jaw, throws himself at michael, almost as if he was defending himself, michael shoves the knife in the spot where the inmates jaw used to be, piercing into the inmates brain, and drops the inmate to the ground.

First two lines that should come out of your mouth towards your lady, after a long day at work ! :eek:
JK :p
I ain't afraid of NO GHOST! OK, maybe just a little!
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Old 02-23-2013, 01:55 AM
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michael jumps over the inmates body, running through the open door, he forgets to shut the door behind him, michael turns back to shut the door, but the inmates have noticed him, and have begun charging towards him, very quickly. Michael turns away and begins running, michael rounds the corner and sees the warden, who has now been surrounded by infected inmates, and is lying on the floor in front of the exit, with his limbs being ripped from his torso. With michael still being chased, by the pack of inmates and the warden having, the other packs, complete attention. Michael reaches inside the back of his jumpsuit, and grabs the a.k. Out of his satchel. Charging forward, michael begins firing on the inmates that are attacking the warden, splattering them everywhere, and clearing his way. With the warden, still breathing, with all his arms and legs ripped from his body, and bleeding out, michael leaps over the wardens torso, feeling satisfaction, with a small sense that billy, and his family have, been avenged. Michael then bursts through the doors exiting the prison, with the pack soon following behind him. Michael enters the car, striking the ignition, and begins pulling away. With the inmates throwing themselves onto the hood of the car, out of nowhere, one of the inmates reaches through the driver side window, latching onto the side of the car, and grabs michaels arm. As michael begins speeding out of control, he swerves, slamming into the wall right beside the exit. Smashing the inmates on the hood, slinging the one from his window, and splattering it all over the wall. With the impact, knocking michael, in and out of consciousness, he looks to see, the pack still coming towards, the mangled vehicle. With michael, still being dazed and helpless, he sees headlights speed into the lot, and plowing through the inmates. The vehicle pulls up next to michael, and he sees a blurry figure jump out the car, which has a familiar voice, coming towards him, the person pulls michael from the wreckage, loads him into the other vehicle, and drives away, narrowly escaping, thanks to the familiar stranger. With that, the lights go out, michael closes his eyes, and passes out.

First two lines that should come out of your mouth towards your lady, after a long day at work ! :eek:
JK :p
I ain't afraid of NO GHOST! OK, maybe just a little!
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Old 02-23-2013, 01:56 AM
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Chapter 8: Reunited

as michael begins coming to, with a tremendous headache he glances over, excited to see samantha driving the car. However, where is alyssa? Samantha notices michael has awoken from his brief slumber. Michael asks samantha, “how long have i been asleep”? Samantha replies, not long 15, 20 minutes at the most. Michael asks, “what happened to alyssa”? “why is she not with you”? Samantha begins recalling and telling michael what had happened while they were apart. “after you dropped us off we ran into the house, i went into my bedroom and sent alyssa to her room, to play with her toys, until i gathered everything we needed. I then grabbed a large nap sack, and ran to the closet, and begin loading it with some guns and ammunition. I shoved one of the guns in my waist not sure, that i would need it, or not. I also loaded the bag with a change of clothes, i then ran down to alyssa’s room, where i found her playing as if nothing ever happened, i grabbed her a few outfits and threw them in the bag. I rushed downstairs to the kitchen, leaving alyssa upstairs alone; i then rummaged through the cupboards, and refrigerator, grabbing some canned foods, and bottles of water. As i finished filling the bag i heard, thump, thump, and footsteps on the stairs. I rushed out of the kitchen and to the stairs, leaving the loaded bag lying on the floor in the kitchen, now holding the gun in my hand, i turned the corner hoping to see alyssa, but there was no one there. I turned toward the front door and saw it wide open, with a bloody handprint on the middle of the door, and blood smeared on the knob. I started heading up the stairs, following a trail of blood that was soaked into the carpet. I rushed into alyssa’s room, but there was no trace of alyssa, or anybody else. I turned back and headed to my bedroom, and continued following the trail of blood, i reached the doorway, to find a large blood soaked man, dressed in civilian clothes, just staring out the window immediately next to my bed. I asked him, “what have you done with my daughter”? “you bastard!” he did not answer; he just remained standing and blankly staring, out the window. I asked him again, this time he slowly turned his head, and let out a loud shriek, he began charging towards me, very quickly. I then unloaded the gun into the man; he fell to the ground at the base of the bed, spilling blood all over the floor. I then heard the sound of little feet come running up behind me. I turned to see alyssa, come running up behind me, and she then jumped into my arms, still holding her doll. I asked her, “where were you honey”? Alyssa said, “i was playing hide and seek mommy”, “i was hiding under my bed mommy” “, what happened mommy”? I replied, “nothing honey”, not letting her see the body lying on the floor, i rushed down the stairs, grabbed the bag in the kitchen, and headed into the garage, throwing the bag in the trunk of the car. I then started the car, and we began making our way to the military base, driving through a few neighborhoods that i noticed had, obviously been over run by infected civilians, with cars on fire wrecked, and the streets just littered, with unimaginable numbers of infected people. We reached the military base, far on the outskirts of the city, and there were lines of cars, waiting to get into the secured facility, and with armed guards standing around everywhere. The atmosphere around was almost to relaxed for what was going on, almost as if they had no idea of what exactly, was happening in the city. Sitting there in line, it was taking way too long. Therefore, i left the vehicle running. I jumped from the car, grabbed alyssa, and approached one of the guards heading into the base. The guard then stopped me, asking, “miss” “, miss,” “are you on the list”? “i have to check my list”. I tell him my name, the guard then scans through his list and says, “you and your family are on the list”. He asks, “and where’s your husband ma’am”. Visibly shaken and upset, i began telling him about our night, and exactly what is going on in the city, and i began asking the guard if he had any idea of the nightmare, that was over taking the city. As i was telling the guard the story, i slowly began seeing his expression beginning to change. Shocked and looking terrified, the guard tells me, that was not; what was, supposed to happen here. That the military on the base had no idea of what was happening, and that they have been trying to contact the prison and the asylum, for hours now with no response. The guard then tells me, “with us not being able to reach anyone” ”, it seems as if we are cut off from the rest of the world.” then he informs me, that they sent a few teams out, but they never came back. The guard then got on his walkie-talkie, and contacted someone, within a few minutes, we heard a loud siren going off on the base, and the line of vehicles began moving faster. Thinking of you michael, i began telling the guard about your story and everything you have been through. Pleading too the guard to allow you onto the base. With everything you have been through, the guard let me know, that if he was at the gate, he would surely let you in. And for me that was good enough. With this being the safest place in town, i then asked the guard, if i could leave alyssa here with him, and if he would look after her, while i came and got you. The guard then told me, “sure mrs.” “i will keep her safe” ”, and make sure nothing happens to her”. With that, i asked the guard his name; he tells me, “my name is private james long” “, ma'am” ”, but everybody calls me jimmy”. I convince alyssa that she will be safe here, that mommy will be ok, and that i will be right back, and to have fun with jimmy. Alyssa began to cry, as i handed her to jimmy. I told her, “i love her” ”, and that everything will be fine.” i ran back to the car and begin pulling away, as i watched jimmy hand alyssa over to another guard, safely inside the fence of the base, then i started to make my way, to save you”. By the time samantha finishes the story, michael and samantha were just pulling up to the base, but it was a very different scene from what samantha had just got done describing and it wasn’t looking very safe and secure anymore, all michael could think to himself was; i sure hope alyssa is ok!

First two lines that should come out of your mouth towards your lady, after a long day at work ! :eek:
JK :p
I ain't afraid of NO GHOST! OK, maybe just a little!
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Old 02-23-2013, 01:57 AM
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Chapter 9: Missing persons

as samantha and michael first approach the base, there is no sign of the armed guards; with the loud siren still blaring, they drive past the line of cars that were waiting to enter the base. They notice that the cars are now wrecked; and in a panic, it looks like they have smashed into one another. With dead bodies hanging out the cars windows, showing signs of massive trauma. They look closer to see that the gate blocking the entrance, completely smashed through by a deceased civilian, who is now sitting in a suv, perched atop the gate, blocking the path, so that no one can drive through. With that samantha begins regretting leaving alyssa here, and begins breaking down. Michael tries to reassure samantha, by telling her, “that we found her once” ”, and not to worry we will find her again”. Finding them selves in another horrible situation, samantha and michael jump from the vehicle. While samantha grabs her oversized bag, that is full of supplies out of the trunk; out of no where, michael begins to feel weary, and begins staggering against the car; starting to feel the effects of this long sadistic night beginning to weigh heavily on him. With samantha trying to hurry, and michael lagging behind, they make their way into the base, by climbing over the hood of the suv; past the corpse of a passenger, with the flesh ripped from his face. Samantha and michael then notice a decent sized medical tent, set up outside of the main building. It has a light inside; that is shining through, casting the shadows of four figures; who looks too be operating on a small body, which is lying on a table. With samantha fearing the worst she rushes in, and finds that she is partly right. Samantha finds four mangled infected civilians, tearing out the organs, of a middle aged woman’s upper torso, that has been severed from its lower half. Catching the infected civilians attention, samantha and michael enter the tent; the blood drenched organs begin hitting the floor, as the infected civilians, see something more enticing. They begin charging at sam and mike, with one of them knocking samantha to the floor pinning her to the ground, as sam struggles to get the gun from her waist. Michael musters up his strength fighting off the beasts; he delivers a swift kick to the head of the creature, knocking it off samantha. As samantha's life has just flashed before her eyes, she jumps to her feet. They both fire multiple shots that echo throughout the surrounding area, dropping the rowdy infected vessels, to the ground. Sam and mike scavenge through the tent trying to ignore the smell of the dismembered body on the table, swatting flies away as they go; they both begin gathering multiple medical supplies, that are spread throughout the tent, just incase they get injured, or they run into anyone along the way. They exit the tent, and start toward the building. Samantha and michael run into the building, glancing above the door as they enter, they notice a security camera panning back and forth, realizing that the place is heavily monitored, and that there has to be a surveillance room, showing most of the facility. Michael mentions to samantha, we have to get to that room, and check those monitors immediately. That has to be our best bet at finding alyssa; it would also give us the upper hand on whatever else is roaming the rooms and the halls. With that, samantha and michael begin heading down the hall, working their way through dead civilians and dead military men. Out of nowhere, an older gentleman in military fatigues comes running from an adjacent hall, and rushes into a room, ahead of them slamming the door behind him. Not sure, what he was running from, sam and mike, glance around the corner, noticing nothing is there, thinking that it is strange, sam and mike approach the room, and open the door. Opening the door, samantha and michael are greeted with a gun pointed at them, by a man sitting behind a desk with a name plate on it saying, colonel henry myers, he must be the officer in charge of the base, colonel myers quickly withdraws his weapon saying, “sorry you two” ”, thought you might of been one of them”. Samantha immediately asks the colonel about alyssa, and if he has seen her; the colonel lets samantha know, that he has not, and he is sorry. Samantha then asks, what happened here, how did you guys lose control; the colonel lets them know that little under an hour ago, the base was over run by hundreds of blood thirsty crazed civilians. The guards tried holding them off, but there was way too many; most of the guards retreated into the building some stayed and fought, with most of them dying. The colonel barricaded himself, in a room just down the hall, waiting for it to die down. After it did, the colonel then came in here to get the phone number, of his superior so he can find out what exactly is the next step that he needs to take. As michael begins pointing to a camera, in the corner of the room; he asks the colonel“, is there is a surveillance room in the building” ”, that has monitors” ”, so we can view the building” “, and try too find alyssa”. The colonel replies, “yes” “, it is right down the hall, which i just came from” “, it is the very last room, on the left”. With that, colonel myers calmly asks, sam and mike too leave the room, and tells them that he is about to make an important call, and that it is private. The colonel, then kindly asks sam and mike, if they would please shut the door, on their way out. With that, samantha and michael slowly closes the door, exiting the colonels office. They make their way down the hall, and enter the surveillance room, locking the door behind them. They notice a few chairs, and about 20 monitors in the room. Samantha and michael, then quickly begin scanning through the monitors, noticing multiple packs, of infected civilians throughout the building. Samantha notices colonel myers, on one of the monitors on the phone, slamming his fist on the desk, as he is talking to somebody. Samantha begins growing curious as to what he is saying, since there is no sound on the screens. Michael notices there is a room, that looks kind of like a cafeteria, on one of the screens that is heavily barricaded, and filled with healthy civilians and soldiers, all grouped up together; but there is no sign of alyssa. Continuing to search the screens, samantha notices the colonel has finished with his phone conversation, and is now writing something down, on a piece of paper that is on his desk. All of a sudden the camera in the cafeteria begins to pan; and michael finally sees alyssa cuddled in a corner, with a soldier and her doll; thank god! She is ok. Out of nowhere, samantha gasps, followed by a loud bang, as samantha and michael hear a gunshot from down the hall, which echoes throughout the building. With samantha, covering her mouth with her hand, michael glances at the screen to see colonel myers, slumped on his desk bleeding from his head. “oh my god” “, he just shot himself”, samantha says; “why would he do that”? Michael then shows samantha the other screen and she immediately forgets the scene she just saw; seeing her daughter and the soldier that she is with, being jimmy. Samantha is overcome with excitement at the sight of her daughter. With samantha and michael, just having to find the cafeteria, they exit the room. As sam and mike pass the colonels office, curious as to what he was writing down, just before he shot himself; samantha enters the room and grabs the note from his desk. It reads (suicide note) i just got off the phone with the commander and chief; he has let me now that the situation, has gotten to far out of hand, and that he is extremely relieved, that we have not initiated the solution anywhere else, in the country. He let me know that they will be terminating the program as we speak. He also informed me that to prevent the situation from getting any worse, and the information of what happened here from leaking. They have dispatched two stealth bombers, equipped with the latest underground nuclear device, which will penetrate the surface of the ground detonating, and will cause the city, and the surrounding area to collapse in on itself, causing a crater that will look like a meteor impact. They are going to say that a meteor hit the city, in order to cover up, exactly what happened here. He informed me the strike will be here within the next hour. I also, really need to get this off my chest, and if any of my guys find this, i want you to know, i am extremely sorry. They ordered me to feed you guys the drug contaminated food, at chow this afternoon that we gave to the lower class citizens in the city. So very shortly, you will more then likely become one of them; i am so sorry you guys, and they also ordered me to serve it to the evacuated civilians when they arrived, but i was unable to do so, before the attack. They changed their minds this afternoon, and did not want anyone who knew about what we were doing, to be allowed to leave the city, or survive through the cleansing, except for a select few. I never imagined my career ending this way, but we all have to go sometime, goodbye (end letter). After reading the note, samantha becomes white as a ghost, fearing for alyssa again, who is now trapped in a room with a bunch of soldiers, which can turn violent, and become infected at anytime. Samantha also feels bad for jimmy, because he has no idea, of what is about to happen to him. With that, mike and sam begin making their way to the cafeteria.

First two lines that should come out of your mouth towards your lady, after a long day at work ! :eek:
JK :p
I ain't afraid of NO GHOST! OK, maybe just a little!
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Old 02-23-2013, 01:59 AM
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chapter 10: End game

with them having to hurry, to save alyssa and get out of the blast zone, before the nukes arrive. Samantha and michael rush through the halls blasting their way, through hoard after hoard, of the zombie like civilians. Samantha and michael finally reach the cafeteria after bringing down many enemies, as samantha and michael reach the door; they then hear the crying and screaming of civilians, as the now infected, military officers are attacking the civilians. Sam and mike realize they were not fast enough, they begin trying to force their way through the barricaded doors, but there not budging. Peering through two thin glass windows, samantha and michael notice a couple of civilians tearing down the barricade, trying to reach the door, and escape the carnage. Just as the civilians remove the last few pieces blocking the door, that is trapping them inside, their blood splatters all over the two windows. With samantha and michael now being able to enter the cafeteria, they bust through the doors, shooting soldier after soldier, being as cautious as they can; in hoping alyssa is still ok, and not wanting to accidently shoot her. After clearing the room, mike and sam look to find that there is no one left alive. With samantha panicked, and extremely emotional they begin sifting through the bodies, coming across an ominous sight, as samantha finds alyssa's doll covered in blood, underneath a pile of bodies. However, there is no sight of alyssa, or jimmy. Samantha tries wiping the blood from the doll, but it is not coming off, she places it in her bag. With the only exit in the room, being the one they came in; samantha and michael begin looking around the room dumbfounded. Searching the room, michael happens to glance up, and notice that a cover is missing, from a large metal vent, that leads to the roof. Figuring alyssa and jimmy must have escaped to the roof, and with michael being too big to squeeze into the vent, he recalls passing a metal ladder, that looked, like it lead to the roof, in one of the hallways that they passed through; on their way to the cafeteria. Therefore, with that, michael and samantha decide to make their way back, through the base. Sam and mike reach the ladder, with michael climbing up the ladder he pops open the hatch, and slowly pokes his head out; circling his head, looking around the rooftop, michael suddenly sees alyssa and jimmy sitting by the edge of the roof, near the front of the base. He climbs out onto the rooftop, with samantha closely behind; samantha begins running towards jimmy and alyssa, with alyssa turning to see her mom; alyssa springs to her feet and rushes towards samantha. They embrace into each other’s arms, with samantha crying; the three of them all approach jimmy, samantha tells jimmy, “that she can't thank him enough, for all that he has done, and protecting alyssa”. By know jimmy is obviously feeling the effects of the drug. Jimmy begins telling them; “my stomach feels like its eating itself” ”, and, that everything inside him is telling him; that he wants to just end it all, and end the pain. With jimmy fighting with everything, he has; michael approaches the edge of the roof, and sees the overwhelming sight of wave, after wave of infected civilians, blocking the path to their vehicle. Samantha begins letting jimmy know why he is, in the pain that he is in; the anger that runs through jimmy’s veins, seems to be giving him some of his strength back. With the roof not being so high, michael realizes that he could definitely jump down from here, and once down, he could help everyone else reach the ground, if they could just clear a path to the vehicle. Jimmy lets michael know he has a few grenades on him, and seeming to accept his fate; jimmy offers to jump down, and try to draw the infected civilians away; clearing a path for them. Jimmy hands michael the three grenades, telling him good luck, jimmy then jumps from the roof. Immediately catching the infected civilians attention, they begin chasing jimmy as he is stumbling away. Michael pulls the pin from the first grenade, and launches it into a large crowd that is now going after jimmy, exploding body parts everywhere. Giving jimmy and them, more room to make their escape. Michael leaps from the roof, while keeping an eye out, samantha hands alyssa down to michael, with samantha soon following. Now with the three on the ground, michael looks to see the crowd around jimmy getting bigger and bigger, he launches another grenade towards jimmy, buying jimmy a little more time. As they make their way to the vehicle, with samantha carrying alyssa, shooting some of the abominations here and there, michael hurls the last grenade towards the suv that is blocking the gate, which is now surrounded by the beasts. The suv explodes, and flies into the air disintegrating the monsters around it, and falls clear of the gate allowing them to exit the base. Michael pulls out the a.k. And then clears out the rest of the infected civilians blocking their path , as they reach the vehicle, michael looks back to see jimmy waving them to leave, without him; they begin pulling away, as jimmy is overwhelmed and consumed by the pack. Looking into each other’s eyes, and holding one another’s hands, while alyssa falls fast asleep on her mothers chest, they drive away from the base to a safe distance, perched high upon a cliff, far outside of town. They exit the vehicle, standing on the edge of the cliff, with alyssa still in samantha’s arms, michael places his arm around samantha and rests it on her shoulder, embracing as they watch the stealth’s deliver the nukes; they hit vaporizing the ground underneath the city. Immediately the city and the surrounding area crumble, and disappear within seconds, as if they were never there. Leaving nothing behind, but a crater of smoke and smoldering debris. After the incredible sight, they jump back in the car and begin trying to figure out, what they were going to do next, with everything that they knew, now gone, after a long talk. Both samantha and michael, realize that after being involved in this nightmarish incident together, and basically still being enemies of the state, samantha and michael decide they would change their names, and become a family in a nice small quite town, with a brand new start, and hopefully a safer and peaceful future. However, knowing they will never be the same after this night. They will always worry about the horrors, of this night repeating down the road; michael hopes that the government will learn from this night, and what playing god causes. Michael knows, that even with the awful events that took place, the government will probably soon hatch out another plot, to follow through with there first goal of thinning the population, but michael knows there is nothing he can do, until that day comes, and until then, the three of them can only look forward, and live for today. However, when that day does come, both samantha and michael will be ready, and hopefully so will alyssa!

The end

First two lines that should come out of your mouth towards your lady, after a long day at work ! :eek:
JK :p
I ain't afraid of NO GHOST! OK, maybe just a little!
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