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Old 01-20-2018, 08:58 PM
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Jake.Ashworth Jake.Ashworth is offline
No Tears Please...
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Location: Wentzville, MO
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I did some writing tonight, Roi, this ones for you.

Im going to call it Gary's Mooner Hunt I think. This is basically just the first part. Ive got an idea working that Im liking. I feel good about it. Im thinking maybe a three parter. Let me know what yall think of the concept, I didnt edit at all as I went so it may be a little disarrayed, but I can fix that when I have the whole thing put together.

Burnham Marketing
12th Floor, Cubical 12C
Gary, Marketing Assistant, Werewolf

So, Werewolves. I dont even know where to start. Well, my name is Gary, Im a Werewolf here in wonderful Pheonix Arizona. Thats right, Arizona, Im one of few of my kind here. Its mostly just coyotes... Disgusting, vile, coyotes. I moved here a few years ago from Canada for this silly job. There is a lot of confusion out there about us, more than you could even imagine. Im not vicious, hell I find it hard to get angry when someone cuts me off on the highway. Interesting side note, everyone carries a gun in Pheonix, so I try hard to avoid road rage. Most people have a lot of negative opinions about Werewolves. Some asshole back in the 1800's ruined everything and ever since we havent been able to recover. Imagine if everyone used Jeffery Dahmer as a symble of the entire human race. Now Im not going to lie, of course I eat people, just one a month, I swear. But I try hard to make sure its someone who wants to go. Im going to try to make a brief chronicle of my years to help you understand the real me, the real truth behind Werewolves. Then we can get into the meat of things.

To begin, I wasnt bitten, most of us arent. If a Werewolf is going to bite you, there wont be time to change, he/she is going to finish the job. We arent made into Werewolves, we are born, just like normal humans. Actaully exactly the same way if our mom is in human form when the time comes. Most of us turn once a month, or twelve times a year. The vast majority of us are born in a hospital along side the rest of you, the doctors have no idea, and everything proceeds in a pretty standard way. The only time that varies is when the mother gives birth in Wolf form, its rare, but it happens. When a wolf mother gives birth, the baby is born a wolf. Those very rare pups are the ones you have to watch out for. There is something about being born in our animal form under the spell of the full moon that breaks our little puppy brains.

Thats what happened in 1862 in London. One little prick was born by the light of the moon and over the course of the following 16 years he wreaked havoc on a small portion of England. See when born in wolf form they react the opposite as the rest of us. They are full animal all but one very confusing day a month. They are enraged constantly and want nothing but flesh, not just human, anything that moves. This little dick killed around 20 people a month all across England for 16 years, until one day, he was stalking through a garden in search of a bunny that had eluded him all night. Oh, this is a story...

We are just going to call this little guy asshat. Asshat had been scouring a small chunk of the country side for two days tracking a healthy little rabbit. He was hungry, he was always hungry. As he prowled quietly through the woods at the edge of a small vllage, eyes darting looking for any site of something moving, his stomach growled low and hard. He winced at the pain from his stomach twisting into knots. He has to eat soon.

He stopped in his tracks "Whats that?" he thought to himself. A small scurrying sound, some leaves rusteling , 4 feet to his right. His muscled tensed as he lowered himself on his haunches.

WAIT! Another misconception! We arent full on wolves in our animal form, neither are we giant wolf people hybrids. When turned, we stand upright like people, our faces dont change shape but they change expresion. Our mindset turns full animal, our nails prtrude slightly, razor sharp but not at points. There is a second row of teeth behind our normal teeth that are violently sharp and designed for ripping flesh. Those things are actually a real pain, you know how much it sucks when you bite your tongue, imagine if all your teeth where pointy and you had twice as many. Mostly we just look like people who are kind of losing it. Asshat on the other hand had spent so many years in his wolf form that most of his humanity had melted away, he had grown a thick tuft of hair on most of his body, his wolf teeth had pushed out his human teeth, and his eyes had adjusted for hunting in the night. He traveled stealthily on all fours. He was your stereotypical werewolf. That is where your image of us came from. Any way, back to the story.

Asshats teeth dripped with saliva, his brain racing back and forth from the hunt to the reward. He sat silently watching and waiting. Minutes passed, then hours, asshat was incredibly patient when hunting. Then, a small fluffy white tail appeared, no more than 3 feet from where he sat. His senses sharpend, he coiled back, and launched himself into a full sprint. The rabbit heard him the second he kicked off and he shot off toward the edge of the woods.

They both zigged and zagged between the trees, over the downed logs, through a small stream. Asshat could see the edge of the forest approaching, his hunger coming to a crasiondo, he knew if the rabbit made it out into the clearing, it would be gone. He dug down deep and mustered every bit of energy he had left, he flung himself forward. The rabbit was inches from his grasp as they both broke through the last row of trees. The rabbit ran full sprint across the small field and down toward the closest house in the tiny, quiet village.

Asshat hardly noticed that they were no longer in the woods, nor did he care. He was going to get this one, he was going to eat tonight. He watched as the rabbit jumped between the bottom two wrungs of a small wooden fence. He propelled himself into the air, flying over the fence and planing on landing directly on top of the rabbit. Oh, he was going to eat tonight.

The rabbit could hear the sound of his heart beating, thudding in his chest. He could here the grass under his feet, and he could hear the pounding of the creature behind him. He barely knew what it was, he had seen it out of the corner of his eye two days ago, and he knew it was following him. Just as he lept through the fence into the farmers garden the pounding behind him stopped suddenly, it had pounced, and he was done.

The farmer was sitting in his chair next to the warm fire, drinking a nice glass of whiskey and humming to himself. It had been a great day, he managed to harvest most of his crop, had a nice dinner with Darlene down at the pub and was enjoying a quiet evening at home. Thats when he heard the noise. It started as a light rumble, then grew louder until it was right outside his window. There was a brief lul in the noise followed by a heavy thud and deep grunt. The farmer jumped from his comfy seat, knocking his glass of whiskey to the floor. Without missing a beat he ran to the door, grabbed his shotgun from its regular resting place next to the coat rack, and flung open the door. The cool breeze burst through the doorway and hit him in the face, he pushed past it into the deep, dark of the evening.

As asshat lept into the air fully expecting to be landing on a juicy rabbit, he felt the familiar pang of the change rack his body. His brain screamed in rage, surprise, and fear. By the time his body hit the ground and slid to a stop, the fur had retreated into his body, his nails had pulled back, and his eyesite had gone to shit. He knew this, it happened around once a month, but normally he wasnt mid hunt.
Becoming a Killer (novel) ---- http://www.amazon.com/Becoming-Kille...oming+a+killer

The People (short story) ---- http://www.inkitt.com/stories/10686

Trapped (Short Story) ---- https://www.inkitt.com/stories/horror/624905

The End : A Short Glimpse (Flash Fiction) --- https://www.inkitt.com/stories/horror/624912

Fear Awakens (novel) ----- Recently Restarted
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Old 01-20-2018, 08:59 PM
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Jake.Ashworth Jake.Ashworth is offline
No Tears Please...
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Location: Wentzville, MO
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He scrambled to his feet just in time to see the bright light break from the side of the old farm house and a silhoutte appear in the doorway. As the light hit his eyes, pain filled his body. He let out a intense, loud scream that would normally be a howl. He burst into a full sprint toward the figure in the doorway, wanting to kill it, to destroy it, to feel his fangs rip the muscles from the bones, barelay noticing the man yelling for him to stop. He lept from the foot of the stairs at the silhoutte.

There was a loud bang, a flash of light, unbelievable pain, then nothing. The pellets ripped through his human flesh, tearing him to shreds. He could feel them cutting into his left lung and immediately lost his ability to breath. By the time his body crumpled to the stairs and rolled to the ground at the side of the steps he was already gone. The rabbit watched all of this from the small hole beneath the fence that he would call home for the rest of his tiny, rabbit, life. Asshat lost his life in human form after spending sixteen years destroying the reputation for all werewolves. Fucking asshole.

Then theres my story... I was born at 2:13 am January 28th 1982 at a small hospital in a subburb of Ontario, Canada. My mother was 32 and my father was 35. We were your typical Canadian family. I grew up just like every other kid. My parents taught me about the birds and the bees, finances, and what we were and how to handle my time of the month. They taught me how to humanely pick my targets from the age of 4. Aside from that one night a month, we were pretty normal, boring even. I was part of a pack of 12, we had monthly meals and bi-monthly meetings to keep in touch. Unlike normal wolf packs we had to live as far apart as possible otherwise our hunts would be to obvious.

Every month, one member of the pack would go hunting. They would bring back our meal and we would feast together. Its nothing like you see it in the movies, we research our meals, we make the kill fast and painless, and we eat as a family. I know its hard to belive how utterly normal and mundane all of this is after years of being mind melded into believing we are horrible creatures.

I went to school, and college in Canada. I lost both of my parents about three years ago just before I graduated. We dont have the greatest life expectancy, thats one place where you normal humans have an advantage. Most of us normally only live 45 to 50 years. Its one of the side effects of canine blood. After my parents passed, I wanted to get out of Canada. I stuck around until I graduated and started the job hunt.

I found an amazing opportunity here in Arizona, said goodbye to my pack, it was the hardest day of my life, including losing my parents. We had a beautiful going away party with a delicious middle aged french gentleman for dinner. It was so bittersweet. I will always be connected to that group, they will always be my family, but I had to leave. The next day, I was on my way to Arizona.

That brings us to today, I am sitting here at my desk writing this account to hopefully clear some things up. We have always been a secretive people, and really for no logical reason short of not wanting to be experimented on. Im not going to out us right now, my fellow wolves wouldnt take well to that. But I very seriously think we should come out to the world and make it clear that we are not what you think we are. Instead, I am writing this to help ease my own mind and maybe, if we do come out some day, I can send this on to a local news paper so humans can feel a little more at ease about us.

Earlier today I was sitting here scrolling through news articles on the internet and guess what I saw! An article that read "The Beast of Pheonix Strikes Again!". As soon as I saw that, I knew it, I could feel it in my heart. There was a sense of excitement because of the potential that there could be one of me here, and fear that this was just a bullshit serial killer pretending to be one of us. I clicked.

The article went on to describe in detail a fourth attack on a jogger in the area. All of the accounts had been the same, something in the woods/bushes/alley had growled as they ran by. When they stopped to peak, it lunged at them. It was covered in a dark brown fur, it growled and snarled. All four of them had been able to fight it off and get away.

As I read these acounts my heart sank, its a mooner, I though to myself. Mooner is what me and my friends called wolves like asshat when we were growing up. The more I read the more I was sure. Some how out here in Pheonix, where I had yet to find another wolf at all, one of the rarest creatures to ever exist was stalking the night. Im going to have to do something, I need to find this guy and try to get through to him before he besmudges our reputation any more. At this rate we are never going to get to come out of the closet. Im going Mooner hunting.

To be continued...
Becoming a Killer (novel) ---- http://www.amazon.com/Becoming-Kille...oming+a+killer

The People (short story) ---- http://www.inkitt.com/stories/10686

Trapped (Short Story) ---- https://www.inkitt.com/stories/horror/624905

The End : A Short Glimpse (Flash Fiction) --- https://www.inkitt.com/stories/horror/624912

Fear Awakens (novel) ----- Recently Restarted
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Old 01-21-2018, 07:16 PM
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Roiffalo Roiffalo is offline
HDC's werewolf enthusiast
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Damn why did I have to check HDC before bed! I made time to read it but shit I wanna do fan art too but I haven't time!!

I adore different interpretations of werewolves. This one leaves nothing to be desired. Delightfully monstrous in every way. I am BEYOND excited to read more!
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Supposed to be happy, but I'm only getting colder. Wear a smile on my face, but there's a demon inside.
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Old 01-22-2018, 10:06 AM
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Jake.Ashworth Jake.Ashworth is offline
No Tears Please...
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Originally Posted by Roiffalo View Post
Damn why did I have to check HDC before bed! I made time to read it but shit I wanna do fan art too but I haven't time!!

I adore different interpretations of werewolves. This one leaves nothing to be desired. Delightfully monstrous in every way. I am BEYOND excited to read more!
Lol! I think that would be fun! I see both Gary and Asshat in my mind, Im curious if you see them the same way. If not, i might need to develop my descriptions so that you see closer to what I see.
Becoming a Killer (novel) ---- http://www.amazon.com/Becoming-Kille...oming+a+killer

The People (short story) ---- http://www.inkitt.com/stories/10686

Trapped (Short Story) ---- https://www.inkitt.com/stories/horror/624905

The End : A Short Glimpse (Flash Fiction) --- https://www.inkitt.com/stories/horror/624912

Fear Awakens (novel) ----- Recently Restarted
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