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Old 05-03-2024, 04:18 AM
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Tommy Jarvis Tommy Jarvis is offline
Evil Dead
Join Date: Dec 2016
Location: Belgium
Posts: 902
Thanksgiving 2023 ★★★½

Thanksgiving is an Eli Roth-flick with the flaws and gifts that he has made his own throughout the years.

Writing characters has never been his strong suit, but he has grown in this department. The reveal of the killer was a bit predictable, but the red herring thread was okay too.

But his main talent are visual tension and kills. The scary scenes are certainly very well directed and set up the mood for exquisitely gory kills.

No need for a for who. I like Eli and I think it's worth a watch.

Don’t Hang Up 2016 ★★★½

Don't hang up fared very well on a rewatch.

Once Mister Lee joins in on the fun, the movie really grabs you. Not that you care all that much about Sam and Brady (or Mosley for that matter), but you do want to know what they will do next, not to mention if and how they will survive this. Not in the least because the killer remains very menacing, not unlike Kiefer Sutherland in Phone Booth.

You can disagree on what shot the movie should ended on, but we can agree that it's a very entertaining watch until that point.
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