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Old 05-03-2024, 04:13 AM
Tommy Jarvis's Avatar
Tommy Jarvis Tommy Jarvis is offline
Evil Dead
Join Date: Dec 2016
Location: Belgium
Posts: 902 2019 ★★★

The horror of lover boys in a mix with cam girls and dream imagery.

Makes for an entertaining and bleak short with a somber ending.

Slay 2024 ★★˝

Priscilla, queen of the desert versus rednecks and vampires... except that this one is a lot more B-movie like.

The jokes don't always land, but the drag queens get some good lines and the Transyvania-line was pretty funny too. The fight scenes are okay. The self aware off screen fight jokes (“Oh my god, they're ripping that guy's head off”) are a bit too goofy for my liking, but maybe I was not really in the right mood for this.

Nothing unforgettable, but I'm pretty sure that there is an audience for this.

Black Mirror: Hang the DJ 2017 ★★★★

Tinder to the next level, but now through the eyes of Charlie Brooker. Not only does “the system” select your new partner, it even tells you how long you'll be together, up until the very second. With a timer not unlike the ones people hand out at restaurants these days.

And since it's Black Mirror, it gets pretty bleak at times.

Is it okay if I think about her?
If you don't mind me thinking about him.

Jeez Louise, how sad is that.

And yet, by BM standards, this is beautiful. Both a bleak look at how the system toys with aspiring lovers and a (weird) celebration of love that endures time and odds.
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