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Old 05-03-2024, 04:02 AM
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Tommy Jarvis Tommy Jarvis is offline
Evil Dead
Join Date: Dec 2016
Location: Belgium
Posts: 895
Braindead 1992 ★★★★★

Paquita: Your mother ate my dog!
Lionel: Not all of it.

Love how much brilliant quotable dialogue this one has.

A gem that survives every rewatch just as much as Lord of the rings.

Also: Imagine Leslie Nielsen had played the priest.

Cuckoo 2024 ★★★★

Da fuck?

This was...

Confusing: What was bad guy König's plan in the first place? I know it has something to do with pregnant women but what is it really? Fuck if I know.

Fascinating: Like the relationship between Gretchen and officer Mikkelsen-lookalike. Is he supposed her friend? Enemy? Frienemy? Or a figment of her imagination?

Gripping: The more it gets out of hand, the more my eyes were glued to the screen, even after a long and hard day. Drawn in by the visuals.

Surreal: What's with the at times looping shots and dialogue? Were the characters stuck in their own hallucination?

Unpredictable: No surprise given the confusing and fever dream-ish nature of this film. But at least two twists really come out of nowhere. With one being thoroughly depressing.

Also: Cool as hell.

Also also: What is the deal with people barfing in this hotel lobby (The food can't be that bad, can it)? Or with the lady chasing Gretchen? Was it me, or did she at one point even start looking like her?

This is not for everyone. But those who are open to it, will love it.

Last edited by Tommy Jarvis; 05-03-2024 at 04:04 AM.
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