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Old 05-03-2024, 03:55 AM
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Tommy Jarvis Tommy Jarvis is offline
Evil Dead
Join Date: Dec 2016
Location: Belgium
Posts: 902
In a Violent Nature 2024 ★★½

Well, this one added a new dimension the term slow burn. This is where a quickwitted, rowdy crowd comes in handy.

In a violent nature, answering the question “What would happen if Jason could not teleport and we had to follow him do more walking than Glen's group on their entire journey to Terminus?”.

Does that make this a one star shite bag? No. Not at all. When this movie's baddie does get to killing, it's often so mindbogglingly brutal that it veers into splatstick territory. Though there's too little of it and too far in between to really fit in with Braindead or Dead Snow.

Honorable mention for Lauren Taylor's cameo at the end. The cult heroine of eighties slashers such as Friday the 13th part 2 and Girls nite out appears as our knight in shining armour. Even though her story goes on for way too long and we end up on a weird “she is safe”/sequel bait shot.

It says in the blurb that this movie throws all the slasher rules overboard. While that certainly is true, that does not mean it makes for a gripping tale, though.

For gorehounds who like their slashers a bit out there.

The Deep Dark 2023 ★★★½

I enjoyed the isolated nature of the story and how help at the same time was so close and yet so far away. People compare this to Alien, but the closest thing was the scientist with his Ash/Burke-like backhanded attitude.

The backstory behind the monster was kind of convoluted, but I did like the gore of the kills and the opening bit in Morocco.

Overall an enjoyable flick for folks looking to expand their euro collection. Sacre bleu!

The Last Stop in Yuma County 2023 ★★★½

Your typical US roadside diner. No place to stop for gas for the next 160 miles. Nowhere to go until the gasoline truck arrives. But... you'll die for our rhubarb pie. Good one, that (and decent foreshadowing, mind you).

Of course, tonight's Gecko's (are they even brothers? Don't know, don't care) just happen to stop in this dinner on their way to the Mexican border. Needless to say, they don't take too kindly to folks messing up their game plan by tattling on them.

Last stop in Yuma county is a solid confined space thriller with palpable tention until the inevitable shootout. With one bank robber being a cool, ruthless killer while the other is more like a crossover between Stephen Baldwin in The Usual Suspects and Stephen Baldwin in Biodome (making for some well deserved comic relief). We get some solidly executed set pieces with amongst others a phone and some cups of coffee, not to mention a few laugh out loud moments (like the mother in law joke or the line “Does everyone have a gun here?”).

After the unavoidable firefight, the film can't help but slow down and drop in tension for a few minutes. Our unlikely survivor escapes by the skin of his teeth, only to finds himself in even deeper doodoo than before. This results in an unlikely final standoff and admittedly unexpected reveal about the truck.

A fun ride for thriller fans that horror fans will certainly enjoy as well.
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