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Old 05-02-2024, 08:48 PM
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Tommy Jarvis Tommy Jarvis is offline
Evil Dead
Join Date: Dec 2016
Location: Belgium
Posts: 902
A Doll For Edgar 2019 ★★˝

Predictable, but well done.

The Killer 2023 ★★★

What to say? In this one, Fincher is becoming more... fuck, what is the word I am looking for? It's certainly not mild, and poetic and philosophical here feel like these easy way out words when you cannot really think of anything else to say.

This time, he demands more of you as a viewer. You really have to be open to it in order to get into the story of mister You-can-fill-a-bingocard-with-all-his-aliases-and-then-some, partly because of his subdued and detached narration. Also, I love methodical criminals as much as the next guy (and like the next guy, I'm lazy enough to admit that this level of preparation is too much hassle), but this overload of constantly being on your guard and such... storytellingwise, it becomes somewhat monotonous after a while. And for such a methodical criminal, it sure seems like more stuff goes wrong than it should. The fuck up with the dominatrix, the botched sleeping pill with the dog. That somehow does not add up.

It does however add to a well done character sketch, of a killer with more money than he can ever spend, yet without a life to live with it. Too cold to really enjoy it and too distant to share that happiness with anyone else. Fassbender plays that pretty good and Tilda Swinton is as solid and reliable as ever.

If you come in looking for the edge of your seat adrenalin from Seven or Fight Club, this is not for you. This one is (by Fincher standards) more cinephile and, dare I say a tad more... whimsical? Whistful, perhaps? If you can get it, you will enjoy it.

Ps: Maybe it's me, but it seems like a lot of filmmakers nowadays have a thing for The Smiths. *Seinfeld-style* What is the deal with The Smiths? *cue the iconic bass line*

Susuk 2023 ★★˝

Susuk is an okay Indonesian demon flick with a few solid scares.

I am not really sure what Susuk is, but based on what it looks like and the possible side effects, I'm at least hesitant to say that it's worth the bargain.

I can't say a lot about the cultural component of the story and wether or not it's an indictment of certain conservative beliefs. I mean, you don't have to be in Asia or have a Muslim background to see a conservative small village and a generic incel bully with his round up the boys moment.

What I can say is that the main actress did a good job portraying a woman that says “I love my sister and I will do everything in my power to save her, conformity be damned”. Particularly in the few sweet moment she has; one with her sister and one with her (hesitant) partner in crime and shy love intrest for the sister.

Susuk is not bad, just too twisty-turny to be really great. I am sure this is due to my cultural igonrance, but one fight looked a bit too silly (partly due to the CGI) in order to really clinch the third star. 2.75 stars, is that a thing?

For fans of Asian horror who want to make it easy on themselves with a Netflix night.
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