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Old 05-02-2024, 08:46 PM
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Tommy Jarvis Tommy Jarvis is online now
Evil Dead
Join Date: Dec 2016
Location: Belgium
Posts: 895
The Night Nurse 2022 ★★★½

Elderly lady gets chased by an Emma Roberts-looking vampire nurse. Who goes on quite a killing spree, it seems.

All's well that ends well, but then of course... oops.

Good stuff.

Hell House LLC II: The Abaddon Hotel 2018 ★★

In this sequel to Hell House, we explore the backstory behind the Abaddon Hotel.

It's your typical FF romp with the typical screaming and running and oh my god what was that? And it has some kill fodder the same way a lot of slashers do.

Half star for the gore and another for the effect when the medium disappears.

The Conjuring 2013 ★★★½

After a good night's sleep, I'm still a bit on the fence about this one.

It is very well made and James Wan is without a doubt one of the better horror directors of his generation. The scares work, the cast is very good and Patrick Wilson and vera Farmiga make for a very believable on screen couple. And the ending is pretty intense.

Does this make it an epic masterpiece that warranted so many sequels and spin offs and what not? Not sure what, but something is keeping me from going that far.

Curve 2015 ★★

A sort of "confined space" thriller with a not very imaginative heroine, a generic villain and too many things that too obviously come and go when it suits the screenwriter. Second star for the flooding scene.
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