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Old 03-19-2024, 11:39 PM
FryeDwight FryeDwight is offline
Evil Dead
Join Date: Mar 2014
Location: New Hampshire
Posts: 2,881
DAY OF THE ANIMALS (1977)>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>SPOILERS>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>

Another "Nature Strikes Back" film that the 70's were so full of, DOTA concerns a group of people being heliported to a high area in the mountains to hike down and live off the land. Right from the start, the local animal population is acting strangely aggressive and turns the trip into one of terror.

Lots of stock characters (The stoic Guide, the newscaster, young lovers, squabbling spouses, divorced mom with kid etc) and the explanation of why it's happening is sort of pat, but lots of cool actors, very good cinema photography, better than expected animal footage and an absolutely wild turn by Leslie Nielsen whose character is SUCH an asshole; You'll be astounded by his final scene. Also for trivia types, the squabbling wife is played by Susan Backline, a stuntwomen who was the first victim in JAWS and the same pattern happens here as well. ***
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