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Old 03-03-2024, 12:45 AM
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Tommy Jarvis Tommy Jarvis is offline
Evil Dead
Join Date: Dec 2016
Location: Belgium
Posts: 902
Living Hell 2008 ★½

Erica Leehrsen (aka Pepper from the Texas Chainsaw remake) stars as a scientist/soldier in this... action horrorry flick.

Man goes where they are not supposed to go and a monster escapes threatening to destroy the whole world. Yadda yadda yadda. Monster movie bollocks with a suitably ludicrous ending.

Terrifier 2016 ★★★★½

Art the Clown, Make Gorefests Great Again.

Let Her Out 2016 ★★★

Between the story, the dialogue, the hallucinations, the acting,... Everything is either just above or just beneath meh. I was completely ready to give this movie two and a half stars. And then the glorious finale earned the third star... by a hair.

Demolition Man 1993 ★★★★

A sneaky little action comedy that balances on that fine line between clever satire and dumb fun.

Snipes and Stallone exchange their quips in well paced action scenes and there are plenty to enjoy this on a surface level. And needless to say, it also has a little dig at Ah-nuld.* Sandra Bullock delivers the type of bubbly lighthearted performance that a) she's very good at and b) helps the medicine go down.

The medicine being a witty satire about an oversanitized society where everything (common) people would normally enjoy is outlawed: meat, swearing, smoking,... Looking at current day society and the offense-machine on the internet, it's hard not to see some kind of truth in it. I can see an older person being as confused by some of the new technology (popping out and changing at record speed**) as Stallone is by the three seashells. And let's not forget the gag where he uses the swearing tickets for toilet paper. The writers can also let Denis Leary do his shtick as Edgar Friendly without it feeling overly forced.

And that final exchange...

Commissioner H. Farnsworth: [confused; takes off his glasses] What will we do? How will we live?
Edgar Friendly : I tell you what we're do. We're all gonna go out drinking, get shit-faced, and paint the town, literally. I mean graffiti, slogans. It'll be a blast.
John Spartan : Whoa, Whoa. I'll tell you what gonna do:
John Spartan : [to Chief Earle] Why don't you get a little dirty?
John Spartan : [to Edgar] You a lot clean.
John Spartan : And somewhere in the middle... I don't know. You'll figure it out.
Alfredo Garcia : Fuckin' A!
John Spartan : [impressed] Well put.

So the truth lies in the middle. Isn't that something we can use in these partisan, overly tribalised times?

*Because duh.
**Because we can. Fuck you.
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