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Old 11-17-2023, 11:12 AM
Peter A Peter A is offline
Join Date: Feb 2020
Posts: 167
I know this part of the forum is pretty much dead and will likely remain that way, so replying will feel pointless. But anyway, I didn't really think much of RE7 in general.

To be fair, I wouldn't include it in my 'worst of all time' games list, as it's not bad in that sense. However, I think it's just a general horror game that has the RE title slapped on. Some people suspected at the time, that it was an unrelated VR game to begin with, then Capcom just used the RE name to print money.

Then I beat it and thought the ending with Chris Redfield appearing was also another shallow way to connect it to the previous lore. It barely feels like it's affiliated with the franchise, and the way they chose to hide Ethan's face so you can act like he's supposed to be like you, the player, was also quite dumb. But to me, it didn't feel like RE at all.
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