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Old 07-11-2023, 01:09 AM
FryeDwight FryeDwight is offline
Evil Dead
Join Date: Mar 2014
Location: New Hampshire
Posts: 2,878
ALIENS (1986)>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
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One of the best films of the 80's or any decade, this sequel to 1979's ALIEN moves like an out of control Roller coaster and still remember the huge adrenaline rush I got seeing it in the theaters. Watching it again, still think the film is marvelous, but thought to myself how so many MOMENTS make the film (and I'm talking the Directors cut with almost a half hour more footage)...Ripley's reaction over her daughter, Bishops trick with the knife, Sargent Apone's interactions with the troops (and how bad I felt when He is killed), Hudson's showing off, the moment the aliens come out of hiding after the colonists are found, Riply and Newt being terrorized by the face huggers, th moment the group realizes they overlooked an area where the aliens are, the discovery of the Queen )I LOVE the part when Ripley cocks her head) and the final Mano a Mano onboard the SULACO.

Also, SO MANY GREAT quotes..."I don't know...Is there anything You can do?", "I heard that!", "Looks like love at first sight to Me!", "Stop Your grinning' and drop Your linen!", "LET'S ROCK!", "Aw..that;s great! That's just fuckin' great!",
"Not bad for a Human" and most especially..."Get away from Her, You Bitch!" Now and always *****
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