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Old 05-14-2021, 02:04 AM
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WhereInOblivion WhereInOblivion is offline
A Jigsaw copycat?
Join Date: May 2021
Location: United States
Posts: 1
Smile Introduction, New Member

Hey everyone,

Nice to meet you! My name is Tomi and one of my favorite things is Horror. I tend to prefer practical effects over CGI and I love the classics. Favorites include John Carpenter's "The Thing", Ridley Scott's "Alien", William Friedkin's "The Exorcist", and many more. I've been absolutely glued to horror since I was a little kid, and I tend to have an extremely bad case of morbid curiosity, which eventually led me on a path of trying to find the most disturbing horror film ever. To cut it short, I've seen A LOT (as in Serbian Film and many many screwed up indie related films), and movie wise I like to consider myself a Horror buff. My favorite Artist is H.R. Giger. I literally love his work. For whatever reason, I just can't get enough horror lol. I'm hoping to make new friends as I've never really done message boards before, but I've heard it's a good way to meet people with the same interests. Looking forward to meeting you all!


Last edited by WhereInOblivion; 05-14-2021 at 02:09 AM.
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