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Old 11-01-2020, 11:26 PM
FryeDwight FryeDwight is offline
Evil Dead
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Originally Posted by TaeKwonZombie View Post
Bloodlust! (1961)

early slasher, maybe the first?

crazy guy hunting young people in the jungle with a bow and arrow
Check out THE MOST DANGEROUS GAME (1932), based on the Richard Connell short story. Gruesome in its Pre-Code way and better, although I do like BLOODLUST.

NIGHT OF THE BLOOD BEAST (1958)>>>>>>>>>>>>>SPOILERS>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>

AIP quickie of an Astronaut who is killed on Rocket entering Earth impact, but displaying no signs of death (Rigor Mortis etc). as time goes on, the Group He was working with is terrorized by something outside and his odd return to life, along with a connection of whatever is outside. Eventually, it ends up in Bronson Canyon as so many 50's films seemed too.
While this is cheap looking (under Roger Corman and his Brother, what else would it be?) and the Monster ain't all that, the script for his is actually better than You would guess with elements of the earlier THE CREEPING UNKNOWN and decades older ALIEN. Cast is decent, albeit pretty unknown...all I could see in those parts were Beverly Garland, Yvette Vickers and Russell Johnson. ***
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