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Old 10-28-2020, 04:03 PM
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DeadbeatAtDawn DeadbeatAtDawn is offline
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Location: Extreme Horror Cinema
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Originally Posted by DeadbeatAtDawn View Post
Coming Soon to the Underground..

All I know atm is MagGot and Joe Meredith are involved, and of course Marcus Koch.


Marcus Koch
22m ·
Hey everyone ! In case you've always wondered, why I don't use Twitter, its because I simply cannot make short posts. I'm more of an Odyssey , by Homer kinda guy... anyway.... so i know i haven't posted much about our semi-super secret project SYMBOLICUS, but maybe its time i should ! amoung the many other irons in the fire i have going right now. SYMBOLICUS Volume 1. is just about to the finish line, What is SYMBOLICUS?.... I hear you say.....and here is the answer, During the lockdowns , i thought it would be a fun way for artists/filmmakers to do something creative. since some of us had limited resources, budgets or no to very little access to actors or crew. it was a short film project that could be done either by their self, with roomates, or family, or even something new made from older footage from other past projects given a new life. its a little bit of everything, its not all exactly horror, but it's fucking weird, wild, absurd, and strange. its got a surprising amount of nudity, and some fun extreme gore on the low tech. hoping to have everything ready by the end of November, should have a teaser trailer ready soon. but here's the deal. you don't have to buy this from me, ..... because this is more like an insane art collective, more so than a traditional anthology. i really encourage anyone to buy copies from their favorite filmmakers. this project got crazy big, and now holds over 30 filmmakers from around the world. each bringing something unique to the table. i've split it up into 3 volumes. so in the coming months, i'll finish compiling everything for part 2 and following up with vol 3 shortly after the new year. below is the ever growing list of filmmakers who are involved ! Patrick Fortin Victor Bonacore Joe Meredith Cid Meredith Jonathan Doe Dustin Mills Michael Todd Schneider James Bell Lucky Cerruti Jason John Beebe Lori Bowen Brian Paulin John R Renna Sarah Rouge Dixie Gers Drew Marvick Raphaël Desbordes Cody Lee Hardin Domiziano Cristopharo Zach Shildwachter Megan Beck Rob Ceus Harry Collins Ryan Vincent Logsdon Gurcius Gewdner Elad Yelrihs Jeff Shedden Éric Falardeau Kasper Juhl Yan Kaos Brad Twigg Matti Soikkeli James Quinn Kristian Day, and of course Jessie Seitz and Myself, plus hopfully a few others. still working out details.
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