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Old 04-19-2020, 05:26 PM
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DeadbeatAtDawn DeadbeatAtDawn is offline
Join Date: Aug 2014
Location: Extreme Horror Cinema
Posts: 3,551

A first of its kind anthology.

Women in extreme cinema
Although the term “extreme cinema” can encompass a variety of work the common thread can be described as something that lives outside of societal norm. Films made in this genre are not confined by the same parameters has conventional horror and because of this the filmmaker has total freedom to explore the darkest depths of the human mind. There is also liberation in the fact that not a terrible amount of money is needed to accomplish an effective work in the extreme genre. This leaves a larger opportunity for people who don’t have immediate access to millions of dollars to still create something impactful.
What’s interesting is that for a genre that has no boundaries and requires few resources to complete a project, we generally tend to think of it as being inherently masculine. For the discerning enthusiast of extreme cinema we know this simply is not the case. From Amy Holden Jones, to Svetlana Baskova, and Poison Rouge, women have greatly been contributing. Yet the spotlight is still noticeably one-sided and it is with this project that we are seeking to change that.
FUKT is the first of its kind anthology to specifically highlight women in extreme cinema.
Our hope is to inspire and open up more opportunities within this important genre.
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