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_____V_____ 09-01-2013 02:48 AM

1896 - 2012: The Official HDC Selection from 100+ Years of Horror Cinema
Greetings to all cinema fans horror or non-horror,

Throughout the history of cinema, one genre has managed to break through and has carved a separate niche for itself. It has gone from strength to strength in the past 100+ years, and contemporary genre fans know that our genre is dotted with examples which have become milestones not only in horror cinema, but all cinema in general.

What we have sat down to chisel out, is the finest examples by decade in the history of horror cinema. We hope that this exhaustive project - 3 years in the making, including debates/discussions for almost one FULL year - serves as a guide to the present and future generations about the most notable examples captured on celluloid by our genre filmmaker veterans over the years. And, in the end, what we have produced, are more than 300 of the finest films the horror genre has produced over the years - right from the silent era, through the black & white vintage classics, the advent of British & foreign horror, fully colored films, hugely popular 60s/70s/80s stuff, cult classics and the latest contemporary masterpieces.

200 officially selected films. 10 must-see documentaries. 55 of the finest Honorable Mentions. And 50 of the best individual recommendations you can get.

Yes. It's H-U-G-E!

Big thanks go to everyone involved in this project. The list of all involved members will be posted at the end of the compilation.

This is our signature, our legacy.

We hope this stands the test of time and serves as a definitive guide, even long after we all are gone.

For the first period, the very early horror, I have posted links to the full films on youtube. From the second period onwards, many films are not in public domain and so have to be bought (as VHS/DVD copies) from the copyright holding companies. I have added trailers because of that reason. You can still find some full films from the 1930s onwards on several online video streaming websites such as youtube, vimeo, dailymotion, hulu, etc.

I sincerely request anyone and everyone who opens this thread - please give the page(s) a minute so that the corresponding youtube videos can load up into the links. Once that happens, scrolling through will be a breeze.

Grab your coffees, notepads and pens, as I quote from one of my favorite holiday horror films - "Onward, into the compilation!"

_____V_____ 09-01-2013 04:09 AM

The FIRST PERIOD: 1896 - 1929

Le Manoir Du Diable (1896)
Wikipedia Link


It deserves inclusion by virtue of that fact that it's generally considered to be the first horror film. While it was made to be goofy and playful rather than frightening, it still contains many aspects of what would become part of the language of horror cinema--Gothic castle, bats, ghouls, ghosts, as well as some early special effects--all in one 3+ minute short. - fortunato

(Edison's) Frankenstein (1910)
Wikipedia Link

L'Inferno (aka) Dante's Inferno (1911)
Wikipedia Link


Deserves inclusion because not only the first full length horror from Italy but because it successfully adapted the first on-screen vision of hell adapted from Dante's writings. It's also the world's oldest surviving feature length film. Though it's more like a series of set pieces than a cohesive movie, it impressively portrays in graphic detail the many torments to be inflicted on it's residents. Inspired by the illustrations of Gustav Doré the original silent film has been restored and has a new score by Tangerine Dream. This gives the whole nightmare an atmosphere that is relentlessly unique and otherworldly that will still send a shiver down the spine of the viewer. - Fearonsarms

The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari (1920)
Wikipedia Link

Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde (1920)
Wikipedia Link

The Golem (1920)
Wikipedia Link

_____V_____ 09-01-2013 04:31 AM

_____V_____ 09-01-2013 04:49 AM

The Bat (1926)
Wikipedia Link

A Page of Madness (aka) Kurutta ippêji (1926)
Wikipedia Link


It's one of the first films, as far as I know, to use a "pure cinema" approach to exploring the subjectivity of madness, creating expressive visual poetry of a distorted and frightening world. With surreal imagery and experimental editing techniques, A Page of Madness is a haunting, insane masterpiece, surely unique in not only its time, but even to this day. I strongly encourage anyone not familiar with the film to watch it. - fortunato

Faust (1926)
Wikipedia Link

The Lodger (1927)
Wikipedia Link

The Cat and the Canary (1927)
Wikipedia Link

_____V_____ 09-01-2013 05:06 AM

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_____V_____ 09-01-2013 06:51 AM

Vampyr (1932)
Wikipedia Link

White Zombie (1932)
Wikipedia Link

The Old Dark House (1932)
Wikipedia Link


All star cast and a tremendously wicked script combine to make a movie well worth watching. - neverending

Island of Lost Souls (1932)
Wikipedia Link

The Mummy (1932)
Wikipedia Link

_____V_____ 09-01-2013 07:16 AM

_____V_____ 09-01-2013 07:36 AM

The Bride of Frankenstein (1935)
Wikipedia Link

The Raven (1935)
Wikipedia Link

Mad Love (1935)
Wikipedia Link

The Invisible Ray (1936)
Wikipedia Link

Son of Frankenstein (1939)
Wikipedia Link


It completes the Frankenstein trilogy, and contains a lot of the imagery that we remember. - neverending

_____V_____ 09-01-2013 09:16 AM

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