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Fake Shemp 09-13-2016 06:14 AM

Incredibly Strange Films Show

Repo'd 09-13-2016 03:29 PM

Nice! Lots of good directors in this series. I watched the Romero, and now, on to Jodorowsky.

TheBossInTheWall 09-13-2016 04:13 PM


Originally Posted by Fake Shemp (Post 1018310)
the other directors in the series, but you might.

There is a book that is somehow tied in called RE:Search #10: Incredibly Strange Films by V. Vale. I had happened upon this book a long time back and I wish I could find it because it is a great deal of fun; interviews with directors and profiles of their films as well as other psychotronic type oddities, although it gets into weird territory that I don't care for; but something for everyone.

I think I mentioned that book to someone a while back. They were looking for a psychotronic film, but couldn't remember its title. Apparently the book did not help. Its not really important, just felt like saying "hey I know that book." Though I haven't read it yet.

Fake Shemp 09-14-2016 05:33 AM


Repo'd 09-14-2016 08:15 AM


Originally Posted by Fake Shemp (Post 1018423)
Yes I see your avatar thing or whatever it's called; isn't Sante Sangre a Jodorowsky film? I've only seen The Holy Mountain...I'd like to see his others but they're hard to come by.

You are correct! I'm a huge fan of Santa Sangre. Yep, it's a Jodorowsky and I think it's a brilliant work. If you can, get the Severin edition. Full of wicked extras and it looks stunning. I hope you can watch someday.

Fake Shemp 09-16-2016 10:20 AM


Repo'd 09-16-2016 10:54 AM


Originally Posted by Fake Shemp (Post 1018676)
I'm on the lookout for it but I'd have to be in the right mood. It looks very stylish and violent, which is fine but not for me at the moment. I went on a Dario Argento kick some time back, but I think I had one dose too many and I can't really handle that sort of thing right now. It'll come back around and when the mood strikes me Sante Sangre will be on my list.

No doubt, it is highly stylized and does have moments of strong violence, so if that's not currently your cup of tea, you're wise to let it wait. When u do check it out, I'd love to hear your thoughts.

Love the Spider Baby avatar!

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