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quamis 02-04-2018 11:59 PM

Horror Movie Cliches
We probably get tired of finding cliches in horror films, they're lovely and funny (sometimes annoying), the genre would not be the same without them.
I'm making a video series compiling the most repeated clichés in horror movies. At the moment:
  • The "just the wind" line
  • The red ball bouncing on the stairs
  • Movies withing Movies (4 parts)
  • Killers sentenced to undeath (1987-89)
  • Meteorites (1980s)
  • The dog that always dies in the film.

What clichés would you suggest for the next video?

LuvablePsycho 05-09-2018 12:43 PM

The black character always dies, the dumb blonde girl always dies, the slutty chick always dies, the pothead or drunk always dies, the virgin always lives, any time a character gets naked for any reason (shower, swimming, sex, etc) they get brutally slaughtered, there's often a creepy little white girl or creepy little white boy, autistic children are always psychics, vampire women are bisexual, Gypsies are evil, cops are all incompetent jerks who never help you or believe your story, and cars never work when you need them to.

That's all I can think of right now.::smile::

fudgetusk 05-10-2018 01:59 AM

No signal on their mobile phones. Morticians eating a sandwich. Troubled character stares into mirror, screams and punches the glass.

LuvablePsycho 05-10-2018 04:13 AM

Dangerous crazy man dresses like a woman, going into a cemetery or hospital in a zombie movie is a no-no, rednecks and hillbillies are all deformed cannibalistic psychopaths, and vampires CAN'T be killed by crosses (very common in all the newer vampire movies).

Some more cliches: The killer always comes back to life, the survivor ends up dying in a sequel, nobody ever uses the word "zombie", and anybody who messes with magic gets ****ed.

fudgetusk 05-15-2018 05:16 AM

The serial killer is a woman/cop. Or there are two killers.

LuvablePsycho 05-15-2018 05:20 AM


Originally Posted by fudgetusk (Post 1031047)
The serial killer is a woman/cop. Or there are two killers.

Or the serial killer turns out to be the main female character's boyfriend.

Other cliches: The young couple always gets killed during or after they are having sex, ghostly women usually have long black hair and wear sheer nightgowns, and guns don't exist or are useless in a slasher movie.

More cliches: The child's imaginary friend or favorite toy is pure evil, Asian woman is always mysterious (unless she's hanging out with other Asians), humans are the real monsters, people who have never shot a gun before are suddenly expert marksmen, and zombies wearing unique clothes that stand out from other zombies (nurse zombies, soldier zombies, clown zombies, etc)

Some more cliches: Good Witch vs Bad Witch, every cult worships an evil god that really DOES exist, nobody ever wants to kill an evil child, elderly people are creepy and untrustworthy, vampires love to party in decadent nightclubs, and your best friend or lover is the werewolf.

Some more: Voodoo is dark and evil, dying rich guy gets revenge on his greedy heirs, and woods, boiler rooms, factories, and warehouses are all evil places.

More Stuff: Psychic kids drawing crayon pictures of people dying, wooden boards and nails are always CONVIENTLY left lying around to build a barricade, girl tripping and twisting her ankle, character investigating a scary noise, wishes always backfire, and the group always splits up so that the unimportant characters get killed first.

LuvablePsycho 05-27-2018 10:23 AM

Did me and fudgetusk list just about every horror cliche there is? ::stick out tongue::

Another one: Female character always wears make-up and perfectly styled hair even during a zombie apocalypse.

LuvablePsycho 07-02-2018 06:10 AM

People who are possessed by demons like to walk around like crabs or spiders, the mad scientist committing crimes against nature, guns in a zombie movie never run out of ammunition (same goes for action movies), zombies rising from a graveyard, the same teen cliches in every slasher movies (the nerdy virgin, the jerk jock, the slutty cheerleader, the stoner, and the juvenile delinquent).

LuvablePsycho 07-17-2018 02:24 PM

Just thought of another one: Asshole Victims.

Like the schoolteacher in Child's Play 2 or the Casino Employees in Leprechaun 3. It was hard to feel sorry for those people when they got brutally slaughtered. ::big grin::

missDee 08-28-2021 05:45 AM

Why does the poor dog always have to die? It wasn't doing anything wrong #JusticeForHorrorFilmDogs

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