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fortunato 01-17-2013 07:08 AM


Originally Posted by The Mothman (Post 943707)
Timo Rose and Andreas Schnaas team up to make this absurd schlocky bloodbath Karl The Butcher Vs. Axe

Have you seen Ringo Lam's School on Fire?

roshiq 01-17-2013 10:30 AM

Argo (2012)


A well made film with a good cast & decent characterization except the lead role done by the director himself...Mr. 'too cool' Affleck. But the main disappointment was as a "drama-thriller" nothing came new, exciting or that much interesting; other than having some idea about a seemingly interesting part of a historical event. The thing is, the way they adapted the "Canadian Caper" operation, it would better suited for a documentary film. But definitely it had great potential for a drama or comedy-thriller and to finally making a "drama-thriller" out of it, the story needed somewhat different approach, I guess.

>>: B-

The Mothman 01-17-2013 11:46 AM


Originally Posted by fortunato (Post 943714)
Have you seen Ringo Lam's School on Fire?

nah haven't heard of it, similar film? (to Run And Kill I mean)

Antiverse 01-17-2013 02:27 PM

Texas Chainsaw 3D. I really enjoyed it actually.

hammerfan 01-17-2013 03:50 PM

Beasts of the Southern Wild

Interesting. Makes me wonder if there's really communities like this in the south. As much as I liked it, I don't understand why the child is nominated for an Oscar.

fortunato 01-17-2013 10:05 PM


Originally Posted by The Mothman (Post 943720)
nah haven't heard of it, similar film? (to Run And Kill I mean)

Kind of, yeah. It's a super-dramatic, super-violent martial arts action flick. And it's really great. I was pretty blown away by it when I saw it. It's kind of hard to find, but definitely get a hold of it if you can. I think you'd really dig it.

Ferox13 01-18-2013 12:30 AM


Originally Posted by The Mothman (Post 943702)
Rewatched the fantastically entertaining and over the top Hong Kong action flick Run And Kill

Great film - pretty sick too.


Gangster Squad:

Much lighter and trashier than I expected but still a pretty good Tommy Gun fuelled Gang Flick.
If you don't expect L.A. Confidential then you might enjoy it.

roshiq 01-19-2013 04:38 AM

The Bourne Legacy (2012)

Same old story.

>>: C

Berberian Sound Studio (2012)

The premise was interesting as it centers on the character of Gilderoy (Toby Jones), a British Foley artist working on the audio track for an Italian Giallo film, The Equestrian Vortex. Now, after watching the film, I tried find a clue what the director tried to show in this movie & in wikipedia just found that "he wanted to 'make a film' where everything that is usually hidden in cinema, the mechanics of film itself, is made visible. Berberian...turns this on its head. Here, the film is out of view, and you only see the mechanics behind it". And on that note, he was quite successful. Perhaps it was psychologically twisted but other than that out of focus "Giallo film" on this film, I failed to figure out what it was actually about & what really happened at the end.

>>: C-

En las afueras de la ciudad aka Hidden in the Woods (2012)

A mediocre exploitation flick from Chile.

>>: C-

Inbred (2011)

Pretty average, seems kinda inspired by 2001 Maniacs.

>>: C-

newb 01-19-2013 07:17 PM

Django Unchained

fucking loved this movie

The Villain 01-20-2013 09:48 AM

This was excellent. The story was done really well without shoving it down your throat. It wasn't over saturated with countless scenes of research and they didn't stick to typical cliches. The scares were great and the atmosphere made it all the more creepy even during the non jump scenes part. Strongly recommend.

Zero Dark Thirty
I thought this would be more interesting but i just found it really boring.

Silver Linings Playbook
I actually really enjoyed this. The acting was good and i liked the story. They seemed to shift focus halfway through the movie but ultimately it's a love story so they stayed on point with that respect.

Taken 2
I liked this and found it entertaining but only as your typical action movie. I think what hurt this one in my opinion was that the first one was so good, there was no way this could live up to it. I wished they had tried harder though. There were a few things i didn't like about it. The daughter seemed perfectly fine in this movie despite the fact that she had been kidnapped by sex traffickers in the first one. Either she's the most well adjusted person in the world of the film makers just chose to ignore it. Also Liam Neeson takes his ex wife and daughter to a foreign country for vacation and even leaves his daughter alone in the hotel despite the fact that only recently she had been kidnapped in a foreign country. For a guy who freaks out when his daughter misses their time together so she can go out with her boyfriend, this just seemed off to me. Plus in the first one, he was so passionate and driven to get his daughter back. He shot his friends wife in the arm to get her back but in this one he just seems tired. He even says as much. But despite it's flaws it's still fun just not as good as the first one.

Gangster Squad
Boring and none of the actors seem to take it seriously. Avoid this one.

The Apparition
Boring, silly, and not scary at all plus none of the characters act in a manner that normal people would act.

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