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newb 01-27-2014 08:09 AM


Originally Posted by neverending (Post 964072)
Quit talking about your parts!


and it's still damn cold with no let up all week

winter blows

urgeok2 01-27-2014 08:22 AM

the snow and cold aren't stopping here either..

i'm thinking of writing a children's book about it called :

"Fuck Off Snow!!"

Elvis_Christ 01-27-2014 09:26 AM


Originally Posted by urgeok2 (Post 964180)
the snow and cold aren't stopping here either..

i'm thinking of writing a children's book about it called :

"Fuck Off Snow!!"

The audio book should be read by Samuel L Jackson

urgeok2 01-27-2014 10:30 AM


Originally Posted by Elvis_Christ (Post 964185)
The audio book should be read by Samuel L Jackson

have to change the title to :

"Fuck Off Mother-Fucking Snow!!"

urgeok2 01-27-2014 10:44 AM

a couple of years ago my wife and kid decided on a rescue dog when I was out of town.
It's a cockapoo ... it looks like a challenged muppet.

I love animals - but I have to say right now this is the most miserable dog I've every had the displeasure to be around in my life. I wont go into details - it's just an awful, un-trainable creature. (it's ONLY saving grace is that it's never done it's business in the house)
I honestly hate it and wish it would disappear.

A year after getting that little shit we got a rescue cat - so i'd have an animal to like.
The cat is awesome. friendly as hell .. lovable.

So the dog chases the cat all over the house - wont let her set foot on the floor.
He had to be kept locked in the upstairs bedroom when we were at work so that the cat could use the litter box unmolested.

About a year later - after a million tries - I got the dog to not go insane when the cat was in the library with him. He'd sniff and lunge at her but she (and I) eventually realized that he was nothing more than a bag of shit with a bark on one end.

Gradually the cat stopped running when he ran at her. several times she gave him the '30 swats in a second' on the head - and he just looked at her stunned ..

Occasionally she'll still run away out of reflex when he charges her - leading a merry but futile chase all over the house .. he cant find purchase on any of the tile or wood surfaces so he mostly runs on the spot or slides and crashes into things while the cat gets away easily ..

But now - she jumps down off of her table/perch, etc and walks right up to him ... and nudges and head butts and rubs against him.
He gets huffy, snorts and backs up - with this hurt, indignatious look on his ridiculous face because he has no idea how to react ...

Makes me laugh every time.

I need to tape this ..

hammerfan 01-27-2014 10:57 AM

Yes, please. You need to video it and post it. Cats rule. ::smile::

Khaleesi 01-27-2014 03:55 PM


Originally Posted by urgeok2 (Post 964199)
a couple of years ago my wife and kid decided on a rescue dog when I was out of town.
It's a cockapoo ... it looks like a challenged muppet.

I love animals - but I have to say right now this is the most miserable dog I've every had the displeasure to be around in my life. I wont go into details - it's just an awful, un-trainable creature. (it's ONLY saving grace is that it's never done it's business in the house)
I honestly hate it and wish it would disappear.

Oh, I wish I could take care of your canine problem for you. I'd be happy to adopt the dog, but unfortunately, my collie Maggie is the queen bee of the house. I honestly think she would commit suicide if we brought another pup home.

urgeok2 01-28-2014 04:17 AM


Originally Posted by Khaleesi (Post 964233)
Oh, I wish I could take care of your canine problem for you. I'd be happy to adopt the dog, but unfortunately, my collie Maggie is the queen bee of the house. I honestly think she would commit suicide if we brought another pup home.

i'm contemplating visiting a Korean restaurant

newb 01-28-2014 08:08 AM


Originally Posted by urgeok2 (Post 964260)
i'm contemplating visiting a Korean restaurant

I've had dogs all my life but once the 2 I have are gone...that's it. Between the shitting and pissing and barking.....I'm getting too old for this shit.

Despare 01-28-2014 09:30 AM

If there was something like http://www.lootcrate.com/ that was randomized instead of everybody getting the same thing they would have all my money. Like Woot's Bag of Crap... I love the unknown and am willing to throw away good money on it. As long as it's from a reputable source...

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