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Hate_Breeder 01-17-2005 08:58 PM

Resident Evil:Apocalypse

Angra 01-18-2005 12:45 AM


Originally posted by Amalthea
It was great!
Touching, funny and sad!
Have you seen it Angra?

No, but i will keep it in mind, if it should turn up on my tv some day. ;)

Angra 01-18-2005 12:52 AM


Originally posted by ChEEbA
Angra, if you like DeNiro in horror, I saw a trailer at Elektra for a film called "Hide and Seek", looked kinda interesting, look up the trailer to watch if you can.

I just saw Canibal holocaust...for starters, the movie contained the real executions of at least two animals (I wasn't sure about the turtle), either way, I didn't like this.
I personally think the rest of the film is a little over-rated, weak, pointless storyline and for the better part, very shitty acting.
I was pretty bored most of the way through, even during the "snuff" type scenes, some of which were convincing, some were not. I dunno, I just founf it distasteful and not much more.
Sure, some gore freaks would have loved it no doubt, but personally, I don't give a shit to ever watch this movie again.

Hey thanks Cheeba. Im definitely gonna watch that movie when it comes up. ;) :)

Angra 01-18-2005 12:55 AM


Originally posted by EXTR3MIST
You can never leave the awesome Cannibal Holocaust unaffected by the experience.

The turtle was really killed by the cast members (whose acting is really very good, although their ethics in respect of the animal killings is questionable).

The "snuff" scenes you refer to (in the Road to Hell sequence?) is actually real footage of third-world executions.

Interestingly, these scenes are portrayed as fake in the movie, where conversely the "found" footage of Yates and his crew is suggested to be the authentic stuff (which, one supposes, some of it is considering the genuine animal slaughters... though more than one person has been convinced the cannibal killings were also real, hence the hightened furore over the film).

Sounds disgusting and distasteful. :mad:

Angra 01-18-2005 01:03 AM


Originally posted by nine9
Dog Soldiers. Very good but I think I will watch it again........had alot of interuptions during it so I lost the continuity :rolleyes:
Dog Soldiers is a pretty good and different werewolf movie, and its very entertaining!:)

42ndStreetFreak 01-18-2005 01:20 AM


Originally posted by Angra
Sounds disgusting and distasteful. :mad:
MUM? Is that you?

They said the samekind of thing about Whale's "Frankenstein" when it came out....

Or the early Hammer films....

urgeok 01-18-2005 02:34 AM


Originally posted by 42ndStreetFreak
MUM? Is that you?

They said the samekind of thing about Whale's "Frankenstein" when it came out....

Or the early Hammer films....

animals weren't slaughtered for those films.

nine9 01-18-2005 02:39 AM

Cannibal Holocaust sounds sick and over the line . There was a thread on this before. I wouldn't bother wasting my time........:rolleyes:

Angra 01-18-2005 02:44 AM


Originally posted by 42ndStreetFreak
MUM? Is that you?

They said the samekind of thing about Whale's "Frankenstein" when it came out....

Or the early Hammer films....

Yes honey it´s me. Get your act together and talk politely to people!!! LOL :p

Sorry i´m not so old, that i can remember the critic of the hammer films. But i believe you. ;) :cool:

42ndStreetFreak 01-18-2005 02:51 AM


Originally posted by urgeok
animals weren't slaughtered for those films.
Whatever the reasons...the same things have been said about horror films from day one!

YOU may piss on "C. Holo", but there are just as many people who woulld piss on a film you like and consider acceptable while screaming the same slogans of "disgusting and distasteful".

And in fact many horses used to be killed for Westerns. hence the banninig on tripping them up with ropes.
So lets slam and refuse to watch them as well.

HK films have been killing animals on film for decades, and they are still so cool and hip to johhny come lately fans.

And animals die worse deaths every day for your burgers.
Yes the animal snuff (although the turtle is actually a very fast death, they take the head off first) is very dubious and should be thought about...but that does not change the quality of the film it is in.
And a film should be judged as a whole.

And again, there are just as many 'others' out there who would vomit out venom with such power they make you look like a child...and it will be venom aiamed at a film you DO like and approve of.

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