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Total Posts: 199
User Name Posts
Doc Faustus 22
Leprucky Cougar 19
horrorzack 14
The Villain 11
bloody_ribcut 10
ferretchucker 8
lowlife 8
horrorsniped 6
Scarebaby 6
The Krell 6
urgeok2 5
Dante'sInferno 5
ChronoGrl 5
bloodrayne 5
coffin_nail 5
fortunato 4
Devil-Hunter 4
Sistinas666 4
QuisCustodiet 4
Caenxavier 4
_____V_____ 4
scouse mac 4
Doctor Loomis 3
roshiq 3
Dude Guadalupe 3
nightmare_of _death 3
Angra 2
Abominus 2
friday13thfan 2
The Flayed One 2
neverending 2
Slash-0-Rama 2
The Mothman 1
illdojo 1
swiss tony 1
La Chat Noire 1
The_Return 1
Freak 1
Rayne 1
Odin 1
hacelikewhoa 1
ABjerg 1
Papillon Noir 1
sgambino 1